Something weird is going on.Here lately, every time that beautiful young women get into a feud white and/or black men come swooping out of nowhere to
Something weird is going on.
Here lately, every time that beautiful young women get into a feud white and/or black men come swooping out of nowhere to speak on the issues as if they are experts.
Piers Morgan just decided to just call out Black Twitter. That’s fine. Free social media platform.
The thing about it is, you know how you’re at home in the midst of something. Then someone comes to your front door with some long drawn out nonsense.
You start looking behind them and wondering when they are going to leave, have they already hit up your neighbors, how did they even know you were home, you ain’t never seen these people in the area before so where did they come from?
Yeah, like that.
Good marketing though because Black Twitter is quite relevant right now. So, I guess if you are trying to hang onto relevancy one would connect yourself to the latest hot thing. K.
So you see something strange and you just think, “What in the world is this here Lord?” Jesus be a fence.
This got me to thinking. Reconsidering. Translating the odd and ridiculous.
Last week it was Andy Cohen, assisted by Andre Leon Tally with the feud involving the teenagers.
Then Perez Hilton tweeted something addressing Nicki Minaj.
I saw Bruno Mars addressing the feud with Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift.
Before that all the who’s who came out for everything Iggy vs. ?
I mean fellas , is your to-do list empty? I would be willing to share with you.
It isn’t that I think men shouldn’t speak on women’s issues, it is that I hope to see men do more building and uplifting of women. I wish they would refrain from taking every opportunity to tear down certain women.
Now if two women of a certain glorious age who were not considered beautiful, were not powerful, were not rich, were not so you know…... alluring….. would these men even care?
If it were two women of the same race would they care?
If it were two women with disabilities would you care?
If it were two women with disabilities would you care?
If it were two women and at least one wasn’t considered attractive would they care?
(And yeah, I know that I am talking about openly gay men in some instances)
Cause see presidential campaign candidate Donald Trump gave out presidential campaign Lindsey Graham’s mobile number yesterday.
Has this ever happened? In. the . history . of . politics . ever ? Ever?????
But nope. A few journalists wrote about how it wasn’t cool and that was that. No rants. No men in capes.
Too messy
Look, this playground mess has got to go.
I happened to be telling my young adult son about this stuff. He cut me off. Didn’t even have time to listen. “Mama, these men don’t have things to do?”
And trust, it will sound even more ridiculous to my husband.
When men folk get messy like this it lights my fuse. We women are out here mentoring, begging for funding, speaking, training, supporting, explaining, doing whatever to save these girls.
And here you go acting a doggone fool. Really?
It is like we are up cleaning the house and you got your feet up watching television, tweeting, and looking at the pretty ‘girlies ‘ .
STOP!!!! The broom is behind the door. The mop is in the laundry room. And the paper towels are under the sink. Plenty of work to go around.
And here you go acting a doggone fool. Really?
It is like we are up cleaning the house and you got your feet up watching television, tweeting, and looking at the pretty ‘
STOP!!!! The broom is behind the door. The mop is in the laundry room. And the paper towels are under the sink. Plenty of work to go around.
Folks, we must be better than this.
People, we must build women up.
Facilitate their growth.
Listen to what they have to say.
Refuse to be playground instigators especially when it comes to minors.
Build women up. Uplift them. Encourage them. Respect them. Protect them.
IF this is too difficult for you, at least stop jumping at opportunities to tear them down.