One important lesson I learned about surviving after trauma is: You must stay powered up at all times. The most successful Survivors of trauma have so
One important lesson I learned about surviving after trauma is: You must stay powered up at all times.
The most successful Survivors of trauma have something at least one thing in common.
They surround themselves with positivity.
They may read positive articles, quotes, and books.
They may listen to affirmations.
They speak positively.
They hang around positive people.
And, many of them study and practice their chosen faith in a way that serves others.
Because WE never know when WE will encounter a trigger…..
Because WE never know when WE will encounter a rude, insensitive, or ignorant person….
Because WE never know when WE will encounter an obstacle…..
WE just have to remain powered up.
Here are 14 articles from the web that may recharge nearly every Survivor.
Today is Women’s International Day, and what better way to celebrate this amazing day than with this beautiful poem from Maya Angelou. Enjoy and feel free to share it with the amazing women in your life. It will help them remember what it means to be a woman and how much power lies in being…
“There is nothing more beautiful than believing in yourself.” ~ Sam Kao You have to believe in yourself. You have to have faith in your ability to make your dreams a reality. And you have to do the things you are afraid to do.
We ask people to show up for us in certain ways. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. And while expecting others to act apart from what they deem comfortable this can lead to unnecessary hurt and later, resentment. So, how do
🏆Heal Your Soul with Light: 8 Ways to Heal the Pain from Your Past
Did you have a rough upbringing? Were the people who were supposed to love you, the very same people who hurt you and tried to tear down your self-worth? Did you grow up in an abusive home with absent or abusive parents?
By beating the odds at all costs, Stormy Wellington proves that there’s no room for excuses despite what life may bring your way.
🏆Prove them Wrong: When People Doubt Your Ability to Succeed
“For every person who doubts you telling you that you will fail, try twice as hard to prove them wrong.” ~ Unknown You were born with your Purpose in your heart. It was placed there for a good reason. Your purpose was placed in your […]
🏆Prove them Wrong: When People Doubt Your Ability to Succeed
“For every person who doubts you telling you that you will fail, try twice as hard to prove them wrong.” ~ Unknown You were born with your Purpose in your heart. It was placed there for a good reason. Your purpose was placed in your […]
People will tell you to be reasonable. Or even the dreaded, “realistic.” They will tell you it’s just how things are. Or maybe, “just how they are.” They will act as if your request is over the line. You want too much. You think too much. You feel […]
Albert has an article that gives you ways to practice self-love. However you may have been just as confused as Russ was by the title. Listen to the full audio above.
Lightning fast read meant to make you think… 10 Mistakes People Make with People-Pleasing (plus 1 bonus): 1. Don’t know the definition (my paraphrase: a people-pleaser is someone who will do anything he can to keep others happy due to a deficiency in himself). 2. Overlook that it really is a bondage/burden. 3.[…]
Inspirational writing quotes from authors are plastered all over my Pinterest boards. I have quotes that sit on my desk right where I can see them if I glance away from my computer. If I’m in a slump or a rut, scrolling through the “Advice To Writers” Twitter account can pick me right back up.
From my Book – From Charm to Harm and Everything else in Between with a Narcissist! @ Because many of us have never truly experienced or understand the extreme trauma associated with this abuse we imagine that healing from the psychological and emotional abuse and the associated effects of the trauma is like healing […]
One of the greatest ice skaters of all time and 2004 Olympic gold medallist, Shizuka Arakawa of Japan, is estimated to have fallen over 20,000 times in practice on her way to the top of her sport. That’s a lot of tumbles. That’s a lot of bruises. That’s a lot of persistence. That’s a lot […]
Today I want to encourage you to dedicate yourself to a bigger, more impacting life. To find a cause that matters. To make a positive difference. To live beyond your own needs. To do something with your life that will last after you’re gone. To invest your time and energy into the development of others. […]
Resilience is one of the most important traits that successful people have. But none of them were born with it and none of them obtained it by sitting on the bench. They built it by falling over and getting back up again. They built it by failing and realizing that it wasn’t the end of […]
Power UP!