Immediately following the height of #MeToo women and girls have been inundated with messages like "be kind". If #MeToo got us talking and t
Immediately following the height of #MeToo women and girls have been inundated with messages like “be kind“.
If #MeToo got us talking and telling our stories, the years that followed pushed for “silence” and focusing on male feelings.
For a season we were focused on teaching kids not to keep secrets with adults only to have lawmakers the people voted for make laws that protect and encourage secrets between naturally curious and questioning children and adults.
Women who protect their safety and honor their feelings are told they are being “rude” and “unkind”.
No Ma’am. No Sir.
All of this is for the furtherance of victimization and predators.
The woman in this video did nothing wrong. She did not yell, curse, or name call. She simply removed herself from a space and situation where she felt uncomfortable.
I too avoid being in an elevator with anyone who makes me feel less than safe.
- If a man or woman comes on the elevator and stands too close to me, I’m off.
- If a man or woman comes on the elevator and I smell something I don’t like (substances or strong fragrances that I’m allergic to), I’m off.
- If a man or woman comes on the elevator blasting music or having a loud phone conversation, I’m off.
If you are uncomfortable, by all means, remove yourself.
As a mother, I can tell you that there are people who will not get on an elevator if you have a lot of kids OR….if the child you are with appears to have a disability They look over the car and quietly leave.
No issues. No worries for me or any of the children I was with. At most, we glanced at one another and chuckled.
If you are uncomfortable, by all means, remove yourself.
For those who may ask…again
Q: But what about white women who clutched their purses tighter around Black men?
A: Do you think that I don’t take precautions around all men? I can’t speak about other women’s motives but I take precautions around all men that I do not know.
I highly recommend that others do as well because these people that you share a planet with are hit-and-miss when it comes to getting justice for you.