
She Was Called “Number 27” The “Least Favorite Child” | Michaela DePrinc…

We must make this world habitable for women and girls.  Tonya GJ PrinceWe tell ourselves that knowing one's worth and value is all that

A Spell Too Far: Protect Children or Leave Them Alone
Are We Going to Leave Child Sexual Abuse Out of the Hip Hop History Books or Nah? by Tonya GJ Prince with Daniel Johnson
Caught In the Hive: Survivor Issues from Around the Web

We must make this world 
habitable for women and girls.  
Tonya GJ Prince

We tell ourselves that knowing one’s worth and value is all that women need to joyfully exist and ascend through life. For women in this world, being “empowered” just isn’t enough.  

Not when male violence against women and girls is so normalized and allowed to keep growing…..and even evolving.

We all must create a safer world to bring girls into. A safer world for women to exist in. A world where women and girls can freely be out vital and artful on our own terms

May #MichaelaDePrince and her Mothers rest peacefully now🕊✨🕊✨🕊


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