A few years ago I was shopping in a grocery store when I noticed a spot on the back of another woman's scrubs. As she walked through the a
A few years ago I was shopping in a grocery store when I noticed a spot on the back of another woman’s scrubs. As she walked through the aisle, obviously clueless about the stain, I sped up with my cart to catch up.
Discreetly, I leaned over and quietly notified her about what I had seen. An older woman nearby whispered that she was about to tell her the same.
The woman in the scrubs was mortified. We did our best to remind her that it was natural and she had nothing to be ashamed of then looked around for the nearest restroom.
We both surrounded her to try to cover the stain from the notice of others as we walked her to the restroom. As we were walking, the older woman just happened to have a scarf/shawl and gave it to the woman in scrubs to wrap around her waist.
Moments like that are commonplace with women who might otherwise remain strangers.
Sharing over-the-counter pain relievers.
Sharing tissues, tips, stories.
Preventing embarrassment.
In the company of other women, one can exchange such kindnesses without the high risk of being sexualized, taken advantage of, manipulated, or ….worse.
Women and girls require single-sex public spaces for the following reasons:
- Sharing talk and tips about embarrassing situations.
- Validating and sharing one another’s experiences.
Single-sex spaces offer protection from bias by removing potential bias and discrimination from male-dominated environments, allowing women and girls to participate fully without fear of judgment.
- Keeping one another safe
- Seeking temporary security (stalker, follower, running into a creepy ex….)
- Helping one another to heal from violence and trauma (support groups, spontaneous quick exits to a private space to gather ourselves)
- Tend to our most embarrassing moments that just happen to debut in public. (menstrual cycles, misfitting/readjusting undergarments, heavy menstrual flow due to female reproductive conditions, changing hygiene products, miscarriage, giving birth, etc….
- Changing clothing from top to bottom if necessary (with a lesser likelihood of being recorded, exploited, or assaulted)