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50 Doodling Prompts for Anxiety (FREE ebook)

 You don't have to be a Survivor of violence and abuse to struggle with anxiety but it does not help!!Abuse and violence teach you painful lesson

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You don’t have to be a Survivor of violence and abuse to struggle with anxiety but it does not help!!

Abuse and violence teach you painful lessons about uncertainty and lack of control.  Terrorism, genocide, poverty, racism, child abuse, domestic violence, and misogyny all demonstrate to some people that the world can be a very unsafe, unpredictable, and violent space. 

Even more, there are people who rather than making spaces and places safer, deny that any such turmoil in the world exists.  Rather than work collectively to make this world a better place for others they blame the people who are living proof.  This is not helpful and too few care, so we must care for ourselves. 

Coping Skills

While waiting for the world to change, coping skills are a must. A treasure chest full of them. For me and others, creativity is a  healthy and soothing outlet. 

I recall when I first got into this work, many of the women veterans, were drawing and knitting at meetings. I get it now.  This work has steep hills, valleys, and sharp turns that just come from out of nowhere.  Self-soothing is a must. 

Advantages of Nurturing Certain Hobbies

  • No one is being harmed and we are most definitely not harming ourselves. No addictions to recover from.
  • No weight to lose.  Anxiety can cause us to overeat on foods that are not healthy.  With crafting  I tend to eat less when my mind and hands are busy. 
  • Friends and family get trinkets and handmade keepsakes.
  • Hobbies like doodling, drawing, and other crafts can be quite affordable. (Hit up the thrift stores and yard sales. Also, take out ads in free papers. People have stuff hanging around sometimes.)


There are always other people who enjoy the same hobbies. If you don’t like to start conversations, just carry your tools (drawing pad, crochet needles, yarn, etc) on your errands with you. Someone will start talking to you. 

You can also find community at local classes. Some are online now for those with difficulty with mobility for various reasons. 

50 Doodling Prompts for Anxiety (ebook)

P.S. I enjoy sharing little ebooks but I’m not sure that the way that I am sharing them has been accessible for everyone. (taking too long to load, book not there) 

I’m experimenting with other easy, affordable, and accessible options for all.

Please feel free to share your works and provide feedback.


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