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The Lost Secret of Child Sexual Abuse: I Love a Survivor, My Pain Has a Voice Too

ImagineImagine your loved one was a victim of child sexual violence. You wanted to help.   You wanted to take action.   You wanted family, c

The Truth About Rape & Distraction That No One is Talking About: Part 1
UPDATE: How Good Parents Miss Child Sexual Abuse and 5 Questions to Change That
Why Some Victims of Rape and Abuse Say It Never Happened

Imagine your loved one was a victim of child sexual violence. You wanted to help.  

You wanted to take action.  

You wanted family, community, and society to rally around your loved one the way that we do when someone is a victim of other violent crimes.  

Maybe support your loved one the way that we do when someone has cancer.

But you found none of that.  The screams of Survivors are covered with more doubt, shame, anger, and shame.

How would you feel?  
How would you feel if no one ever even asked you?

Responding to Hate and Silence

The creator of this video went through a journey of immense pain as a secondary victim of child sexual abuse.  Unfortunately, we rarely think about how this crime impacts the loved ones of the Survivor.  

It prompted this particular person to become a powerful advocate on behalf of those like her loved one.  

Here is her response to hate against the LGBT community and the silence around sexual violence:

Our Guest Video Creator/Publisher:

Ann Green would like to live in a world where children have the type of childhoods they need to recover from.  As an artist and advocate Ann uses her platform, On The Flip Side, her art and her voice to raise awareness about Child Sexual Abuse.

Emotionally drained and battle weary, after more than two decades of waging battle against an unrepentant, repressive employer, in the criminal system, Ann returned to painting as a way to restore and replenish.

Having a window seat in her personal and professional life to the often devastating after
effects of HIV and crimes against children, Ann sought out opportunities to raise child sexual abuse awareness.  

She does that by attending community events and health fairs handing out body safety flyers, treat bags adorned with her original artistic designs, talking to and listening
to others she is fortunate to encounter.

Ann is anchored by the love of family and friends.  Has a love/hate relationship with the treadmill and will walk a mile over hot coals for some fantastic Maryland Blue Crabs.
Actually, she isn’t partial to the color.  

Ann feels: ‘We honor children by challenging the silence of child sexual abuse and We Condone The Rape Of Children’ by way of denial, silence & support.


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