I am my own unique self - special, creative, and wonderful.No one in the entire universe is like me. My Creator made me with a special assignment
I am my own unique self – special, creative, and wonderful.
No one in the entire universe is like me.
My Creator made me with a special assignment in mind.
I am special, creative, and wonderful.
When I remember this it helps me strive to reach my full potential.
Of all the people in the world, I am the only one with my specific and exact combination.
I am a unique code. If I am lost, I cannot be retrieved.
My unique qualities and talents are gifts. It is up to me to develop them to share with others and better the world around me.
I find my creative abilities increasing each day. I am able to find out-of-the-box solutions to challenges that we face today. Being creative fills me with a sense of curiosity and wonder.
I admit that it can be challenging to be different from others. Even so, I appreciate and embrace my uniqueness.
My value to the world is directly related to my ability to be one of a kind, as I was born to be.
It seems to me that “fitting in”would only make me average. Average people rarely do extraordinary things. This is one more reason I celebrate my differences.
Each day, I become more confident that I am special. I have the strength to let the world see my true self.
I am proud of who I am.
Today, I am willing to embrace my uniqueness and that of others as well.
Each one of us, including me, is special, creative, and wonderful.
I am my own unique self – special, creative, and wonderful.
Talking with Yourself:
1. What are some of my unique qualities that I may be taking for granted that everyone doesn’t have?
2. How can I use my special talents to increase my confidence?
3. How can make better use of those qualities that make me unique?