I welcome change with open arms. Adapting to new conditions helps me to grow.I seek out different perspectives and constructive feedback. I talk with
I seek out different perspectives and constructive feedback.
I take sensible risks.
Overcoming an occasional setback is better than remaining stuck in place.
I challenge conventional wisdom.
I adopt habits that make me happy and successful.
I deepen my connection with others. I listen attentively to what my loved ones have to say. I express my gratitude and appreciation. I share personal information about myself. I reach out to make new friends.
I volunteer for greater responsibility at work. I sign up for additional training and take on challenging assignments. I join committees where I can participate in important decisions and develop my leadership abilities.
I use my free time more productively. I engage in activities that keep my mind and body sharp and fit. I play sports, work on my hobbies, and add to my knowledge and skills.
Today, I turn my life around. I view my situation from a new angle and figure out what I need to do to move ahead. I embrace change as an opportunity for growth and enrichment.
Talking with Myself:
1. How does discomfort help me to grow?
2. What are the advantages of doing something that is a little scary?
3. How do I define being adventurous?