It gets so laborious. So heavy. So hard to keep carrying.Living in this world that makes it extremely clear that it does not wan
It gets so laborious.
Not your own sex categories.
Not your own privacy when in restrooms.
Not your own rights as a parent to protect children from harm.
Not your own empowerment to stay safe when you are vulnerable.
Not your own time to come together to mourn.
Not your own traditions.
Not justice when you are assaulted by angry and violent males.
Not your own anything at all. Ever. Under any circumstances.
You say you give and you serve. So! Nothing!
You say you live and let others live. Nothing.
Not a few hours to spend time your way on Sunday. To have a few hours of refuge. Not bothering anyone. Nothing. No! I don’t believe that so you should not either.
This January makes 30 years. Being met with that repeatedly at every single turn gets mighty old.
There will always be a “justification” to tamper with the lives of people who bother absolutely no one.
They are never going to pop up and surprise you as a woman or Black person or a Survivor and say: “You are right, you should have something for you.”
I believe all of these people on the political left, right, and center….
male and female…
Black and white and many other peoples
Who look you dead center in the pupils of your eyes and mean with all their heart that most people should have absolutely nothing. No things.
Just us four right here and no more.
I’m so very tired of it. Weariness is creeping up. Sometimes I put the load down and rest.
These are the times that I have been truly thankful for the refuge of faith.
No building required.
Despite everything that comes against us externally, people who have a relationship with God ALWAYS have a place to go where there is peace, joy, restoration, and love in unending abundance. I’m talking no limits.
And because we can all have a distinct personal and intimate relationship with God, we can all have this.
May God continue to bless, keep, and protect those healing, serving, and loving in Mother Emanuel AMC.
There will be rest.
There will be peace.
There will be joy.
For THIS, I remain thankful.