4. No DebateAuthoritarian regimes often suppress dissent and opposition, which can prevent the identification and exposure of abuses,
4. No Debate
Authoritarian regimes often suppress dissent and opposition, which can prevent the identification and exposure of
or mistreatment of women, children, or vulnerable adults.
This lack of transparency and accountability can perpetuate a culture of impunity, making it challenging to address issues affecting these populations.
5. Restriction
Many authoritarian governments undermine civil society organizations, including human rights groups, women’s rights organizations, and child protection agencies.
By restricting their activities, efforts to advocate for and protect the rights and interests of women, children, and vulnerable adults are hindered.
7 Ways Authoritarian Groups & Movements Put Women at High Risk (Part 1)
7 Ways Authoritarian Groups & Movements Put Women at High Risk (Part 3)
Are You ‘Tolerating’ More Hate Than You Think?
Women Who Menstruate Have Every Right to Speak