
Survivor Affirmation: During Difficult Times My Intuition Speaks

I am able to hear my intuition speak during difficult times. During difficult times, I listen to my intuition and follow its advice. My intuition

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I am able to hear my intuition speak during difficult times.

During difficult times, I listen to my intuition and follow its advice.

My intuition guides me to the answers to my issues.

 It provides calm and clear instructions for action.

 It is a powerful assistant on my journey to happiness.

I know the difference between my intuition’s voice and my mind’s general voice. I can tell them apart and I focus on my intuition for guidance.

I step away briefly from a difficult situation to evaluate it. This gives my intuition the chance to find answers.

I reconnect with anything that offers healing to help me examine the situation.

I pay attention to my gut feelings and listen to my intuition whisper, speak, and sing.

I avoid allowing fear to paralyze my intuition or be in charge because I maintain control of challenging situations. 
I acknowledge all of my feelings and then focus on the wise whisperings of my inner guide.

Once I have listened……..

I know the steps I need to take to find success and happiness.

My intuition supports me on this journey.

My intuition provides valuable lessons about the past, present, and future.

Today, I intend to focus on the power of my intuition in a challenging situation.

Talking with Myself:

1.   How can I make sure fear does not drown my intuition’s voice?

2.   What can I do to help my friends learn to listen to their intuition?

3.   How can I make my intuition a more powerful tool to help me?


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