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Keep Sweet, Pray and Obey on Netflix

 I believe that watching and reading stories about abuse of power and indoctrination should be required for people; even more so if you've ever b

WE Have a Long Way to Go Before Women and Girls are Safe to Speak Freely
Favorite Books on Abuse, Rape, & Violence: Tonya GJ Prince (flipbook)
Violence and Abuse is a Sad Reality in the Lives of Many: A Church’s Tip Sheet for Providing Aid


I believe that watching and reading stories about abuse of power and indoctrination should be required for people; even more so if you’ve ever been abused and/or manipulated. 

It’s very critical that we are able to quickly recognize the signs of manipulation and abuse so that we are better able to protect both ourselves and those around us. 

So Rulon Jeffs’, leader of the FLDS church, motto that women *had* to follow….”Keep Sweet”.
Sound familiar?

‘Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey’ is on Netflix

— tonyagjprince *Survivor Eye* podcast (@TonyaGJPrince) June 12, 2022

The Black Church is Called to Be Courageous Against Misogynists (audio version included) 


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