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That Never Happens: Sex Offender Identified as a Woman to Access Woman’s Shelter

"Just so we’re clear, men will go to the “effort” of identifying as a woman to gain access to what were once female-only spaces in order to sexually a

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“Just so we’re clear, men will go to the “effort” of identifying as a woman to gain access to what were once female-only spaces in order to sexually abuse women.”  

                                                -Sall Grover

When women and children’s rights activists expressed concern around males identifying as women AND entering female spaces, we were told by a lot of influential people:

“That never happens!”

“Males don’t need to dress like a woman just to rape women. They could just walk in.”

“Men could and do just rape women now, so why would they go to all of that trouble?”

“So, you’re telling me that a man would do all of that when he could just walk up to a woman.”

“You people just think that all men rape, don’t you?”

“Women get raped anyway, so…..”

“That doesn’t happen!

And many women agreed with them. Unfortunately, time and time again people more familiar with the dynamics of rape and abuse have been proven right. That is saddening. 

Because it means that untold numbers of violent crimes are being committed against women and children that could have been prevented. 

Most of us don’t want to be “right”. We want the violence to end, which begins with prevention & safeguarding.

Sex Offender Identified as Woman to Access Women’s Shelter, Allegedly Raped a Female Resident – Reduxx


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