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The Damage You Can’t See: Confronting Non-Physical Child Abuse

Too many people are sharing news articles all around social media about church leaders, police officers, and teachers violating children then adding..

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Too many people are sharing news articles all around social media about church leaders, police officers, and teachers violating children then adding..,…….. “Not drag queens”.

Presumably, the point that they are trying to make is “Look these people are molesting children and not drag queens.”  There is truth to be found here but so too is silence and minimization. 

Child sex violation does not require touch. Most of us on social media have witnessed child sexual abuse involving drag queens. Exposing children to sexual content & nudity IS child sexual abuse.

Take a look at this short video to see what other acts are considered child sexual violations and abuse. 

The list of non-physical child sexual abuse tactics includes: 

  • Exposure to pornographic materials
  •  Inappropriate sexual conversations or grooming
  • Forcing children to watch or participate in sexual acts
  • Taking sexually explicit photographs or videos
  •  Touching a child’s private parts or making them touch another person’s private parts
  • Showing a child sexual organs
  • Sexual phone or online conversations
  • Displaying inappropriate sexual behavior or actions in front of a child
Kids often can’t articulate their feelings. 
What they felt like. Meanwhile, kids are persuaded to be obedient so they do obey the rules and obey the authority in charge at the moment. The adult. 
This is a prime, dangerous, and common setup for child sexual abuse.   


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