"It doesn't hurt you to just......." Statement from LGB Alliance USA:Nobody should depend on other people validating their "preferred pronouns" i
“It doesn’t hurt you to just…….”
Statement from LGB Alliance USA:
Nobody should depend on other people validating their “preferred pronouns” in order to maintain their psychological well-being. People need grounded, reality-based approaches to community building and mental health care. #PronounDay
With the training, knowledge, and professional understanding that the term “gender” is used to explain and define stereotypes, and unequal expectations created by the patriarchy; WE stand in solidarity with this statement.
When someone tells you for instance: “I use they/them pronouns” this isn’t an accurate statement. Most of us rarely refer to ourselves in the third person. The more accurate statement would be something like: “I want you to refer to me using they/them pronouns.”
Depending on the situation, the day, or our mood, most of us ‘might’ consider it. However, we might also say “no”. For a long list of reasons.
Among them: For some Survivors of abuse, clarity about what we see, hear and believe is critical. Part of the journey of healing includes learning to trust yourself and others again. For that to happen, we need and appreciate the presence of truth in human interactions.
What is Coerced Speech?
For instance, imagine a scenario where an employer forces their employees to publicly support a particular political candidate during an election campaign. This could involve signs in their workplaces, social media posts, or statements in public gatherings.
Even if the employees have different political views, they may feel compelled to comply out of fear of losing their job or facing other repercussions.
Coerced speech not only suppresses individuals’ right to express their thoughts and beliefs, but it also undermines the diversity of ideas and perspectives that are essential for a healthy, democratic society.
It restricts honest conversations and hampers the opportunity for genuine understanding and growth.
Ultimately, it is important to recognize and respect individuals’ autonomy in expressing their thoughts and opinions. Coerced speech threatens this fundamental freedom and should be understood and challenged to preserve a society that values open dialogue, tolerance, and respect for diverse viewpoints.
What is Compelled Speech?
Compelled speech refers to the act of forcing someone to express or endorse certain beliefs, opinions, or ideas that they may not agree with or find genuine.
It goes beyond ordinary persuasion or logical arguments, extending into the realm of coercion where an individual’s freedom of expression is infringed upon.
Picture a situation where individuals are pressured or legally obliged to communicate in a way that contradicts their personal beliefs or values.
This can be seen in different contexts, such as government-imposed speech codes, workplace policies, or even social norms that dictate what can or cannot be said in public discussions.
Compelled speech can limit our ability to freely express ourselves, suppressing diversity of thought and undermining the principles of free speech and individual autonomy.
It places individuals in the uncomfortable position of either expressing ideas they don’t hold or facing consequences like punishment, discrimination, or social isolation.
Imagine feeling compelled to say something that goes against your own deeply held convictions, whether it’s endorsing a political ideology or expressing support for a cause you disagree with.
It infringes upon our basic right to hold and express our own opinions, which is fundamental to a healthy democratic society.
Ultimately, compelled speech undermines the authentic and open exchange of ideas, as it pushes people into conformity rather than fostering true dialogue and understanding. It is essential to recognize and protect our right to speak freely without being compelled to express views that don’t align with our own conscience.
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