As we move from Black History Month to Women's History Month ...the bullying & snatching opportunities from girls under the guise of "empath
As we move from Black History Month to Women’s History Month …the bullying & snatching opportunities from girls under the guise of “empathy & inclusion” are cruel & hateful. (originally written & posted in March 2023)
Robbing these girls of a lifetime of opportunities, character development, & athleticism is a sin & a shame.
I am a woman who has been inspired by the likes of Florence Griffith Joyner, Venus Williams, Serena Williams, my Aunt Irma (a star basketball player who dedicated her professional career to sports and recreation) and so many other female athletes.
Their character.
Their drive.
Their perseverance.
Female athletes matter.
Female human beings matter.
Female human beings are not put on earth to comfort and support human beings for males in all of their whims, lusts, desires, delusions, and confusions.
Either love, nurturing, encouragement, support, and respect, is a two-way street or it is nothing at all.