
When Did You Decide That Female Human Beings Are Not Even Worthy of Having a Word to Describe Themselves?

 For your consideration: Female erasure is hardly a new concept. It is estimated that nearly due to female infanticide and sex-selectiv

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For your consideration: 
Female erasure is hardly a new concept. It is estimated that nearly due to female infanticide and sex-selective abortion, an estimated 50 million women and girls are missing from the population. 
Consider this when you hear about the “male loneliness epidemic”.  

So exactly when did you decide that female human beings are not even worthy of having a word to describe themselves? Why?

There hasn’t been a time that women were not called disgusting names, but to get to the point this point? Where women shall be declared as the “un-named” or “whatever a male says that you are” is an unbeatable low. 

Think of a good man in your life. Now imagine looking at him and telling him that he is not able to define himself. You will define him from now on.  From here on out, he will be defined as a “feeling” or “thought”….something intangible. 

And, we don’t even get to be the cool kind of ‘un-named’ like Prince did because that was self-declared.  He constructed and devised every detail of that for himself. 

This is all foisted upon us like the iron branding and sudden name changes that moved at whim during American slavery. 

Remember “Toby/Kunta Kinta” from “Roots” played by Levar Burton?

 Upon Reflection

Anyway, while you are thinking about it…..

What one word do you use to describe female human beings?

What one word do you use to describe female human beings between the ages of 0-18?

Do you believe that female human beings have needs that other human beings do not share? 





Who advocates or speaks up for the needs of female human beings?

In Africa?

In Asia?

In the United States?

In Afghanistan?

In Alaska, Canada, and Native American territories?

In villages?

In violent households?

In prisons? In jails?

In streets and alleyways?

In boardrooms and supply closets?

In locker rooms?

In chat rooms?

In rural areas?

In schools?

In clubs and bars?

In sports?

In Congress? In politics? 

In courts?

In shelters?


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