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You Are In Danger Girl: Violence Against Women Who Protest

We are against violence against women and girls....right?-TGJP(Ugandan activist Stella Nyanzi visits the77Percent to talk free speech and women's righ

Unshackled: Black Women, Boundaries, and the Right to Rest
WE Must Be Against Violence Against ALL Women. At ALL Times.
Surviving Abuse Daily: Musical Empowerment for Women

We are against violence against women and girls….right?-TGJP

(Ugandan activist Stella Nyanzi visits the77Percent to talk free speech and women’s rights. We also meet her intrepid — and stylish — lawyer, Isaac Ssemakadde)

Think about how violence escalates in abusive relationships……

When women protesting on behalf of women & girls at a women’s rights rally is framed as “hate” by a mainstream publication, like everyone who cares about women & girls should be gravely concerned.  

The slope is tilted & slippery. Women’s rights are a perilous and fragile thing.

Think about how violence escalates in abusive relationships. 

Think about how violence escalates in abusive relationships.  The most dangerous time is when a woman decides that, no matter what happens, staying is worse. She has had enough.

Think about how violence escalates in abusive relationships……

Topless transgender activists argue with and threaten rally goers

“Ima beat your ass .. these hands do not discriminate”

— Timcast News (@TimcastNews) November 14, 2022

THINK. About how violence escalates in abusive relationships…..



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