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Are You Sure That You Are Listening to Women and Girls? (audio & blog post)

In this world where misogyny and sexism runs rampant, even fellow women may need continued education on simply listening to the concerns of women and

Black History and Women’s History Month: Trailblazing Black Lesbians Part 1
FALSE! FAKE! FRAUD!: Some of Us Have Seen This Before
No More Empty Promises: What It Really Means to Support Prostituted Persons

In this world where misogyny and sexism runs rampant, even fellow women may need continued education on simply listening to the concerns of women and girls.
Here are a few warning signs to women who engage in self-checking or self-reflection, that you may not be listening to women and girls.
Podcast: Tonya GJ Prince from,, and gives voice to healthful affirmations and reminders.

Original Article…..

In this world, even fellow women need continued education on
how to *LISTEN* to other women.

Safety, equality, health, & listening to the voices of
women & girls ought to be a universal concept. One would hope that any
person; regardless of political ideology, race, culture, or religion, would
agree that these are values & beliefs worthy of high priority &

If you are not listening to the concerns of women with
physical & mental disabilities/challenges when you seek to make allegedly
‘inclusive’ policy changes….. You are *not* listening to women.

If you are ridiculing and name-calling women when they say,
“no”…. you are not listening to women.

If you are calling women names when they talk about safety,
safe spaces, health, violence prevention & safeguarding all children…you
are *not* listening to women.

If you are telling women that they “ought to be okay with a person, place, or situation because you would be.” You are not listening to women.

If you are telling women that the potential danger that they fear, “never happens.” (Especially when there is proof that it does) You are not listening to women.

If you are telling women that they “really should say yes” when she already said, “no”; you are not listening to women.

If you are telling women that saying “no” to access to her is bigoted, hateful, or “violent”; you are not listening to women.

Listening to Black women doesn’t end with how we are treated
at work. It also means *listening* to our individual concerns about health,
safety, femicide, violence, abuse, domestic violence, and sexual violence &
safeguarding our children from potential danger & harm.

*Listen to Black women* also means listening to Black women
with questions, concerns, & issues around health, safety, safe spaces,
safeguarding & violence prevention. 

No name-calling. 

No gaslighting. 


No guilt-tripping. 

No shaming. 


If we as female human beings can’t empathize, listen to,
& have compassion for other female human beings….. My hope & faith is
steel solid but …I truly am at a loss for where we can go as women…. from

In this world, even fellow women need continued education on how to *LISTEN* to other women.

Diluting the Boundaries of Women and Girls is Extremely Dangerous | WE Survive Abuse

How Male Violence Taught Women & Girls to Attack One Another (audio) | WE Survive Abuse


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