
Survivor Rachel Williams Highlights Strangulation Timeline

Strangulation is often viewed as a very casual thing these days. Too few appreciate how dangerous it truly is.  Domestic violence abuse Surv

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Strangulation is often viewed as a very casual thing these days. Too few appreciate how dangerous it truly is.  

Domestic violence abuse Survivor Rachel Williams who writes that she was shot & beaten, highlights the very real dangers of strangulation.  

(From X): Nonfatal strangulation timeline:

  • 6.8 seconds loss of consciousness 
  • 14 seconds an anoxic seizure 
  • 15 seconds bladder incontinence 
  • 30 seconds bowel incontinence 
  • All deaths between 62-152 seconds

You only need the pressure of a handshake to kill someone.

It’s the second (most likely) cause of homicide in females after stabbing.  Note: Stats may differ in the United States where gun violence is a leading cause of injury and death. 

Link to my interview with Central Club Podcast is on my previous post in the comments

After Rachel (@Dontlookback198) filed for divorce in 2011, her husband shot her in the leg. He later killed himself. Listen to Rachel’s story and why she’s campaigning for men and women who suffer #DomesticAbuse. pic.twitter.com/F3rkOBMLB3

— Home Office (@ukhomeoffice) January 21, 2019


Non fatal strangulation timeline:

6.8 seconds loss of consciousness
14 seconds an anoxic seizure
15 seconds bladder incontinence
30 seconds bowel incontinence
All deaths between 62-152 seconds

You only need the pressure of a handshake to kill someone.

It’s the second cause… pic.twitter.com/v6aK0QTN1R

— Rachel Williams (@Rachel_SUTDA) October 22, 2023

Rachel Williams is the founder of SUTDA, co-creator of VOICE prog, Ambassador for Locality Solutions. 



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