
Here He Is! The Man Who Started the Man vs Bear Debate Speaks

 The debate around whether or not women would rather face a strange man in the woods or a bear took on a life of its own and the men are very ang

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The debate around whether or not women would rather face a strange man in the woods or a bear took on a life of its own and the men are very angry. 

How could women choose a bear over a strange man? 
Of course they reasoned that women are
“have no idea how vicious a bear can be”
“stupid, dumb, crazy”

Men have pulled out their little artwork to express their anger in vivid detail, making bloody graphic depictions of a woman after being by a bear. Something no bear would do, but a man would. 

Women have been unmoved.  💌
Hey, the truth is the truth.  
The truth does not change because you get angry with it. 
Not even for men. 

The bear will not keep us locked away for 20 years as their toy to do with as they please. A man might. 

If women get attacked or mauled by a strange bear, no one will ask what she was wearing or wonder what she did to entice the bear. She will be properly mourned as the victim of a terrible attack……unlike when her attacker is a male. No guarantees there. 

If a woman is attacked by a bear there will not be a chorus of people lining up to ask her whether or not she has “forgiven the bear”. Quite unlike the treatment people abused by men get all the time. 

If a woman is attacked by a bear and the attack is too close to other people living nearby there will be a posse of people who will come together, get in their pickup trucks, look for the bear, and shoot the bear. 

Can’t have violent bears posing a risk to people nearby.  

Oh but a man……. 
“What is the problem with a man being in women (and children’s) 
changing rooms
locker rooms
……………………………..you “bigot”. 

When it becomes woman vs. man people suddenly forget all about “risk”. 
How dare women consider “risk” ! 

(I hope the bears sue y’all for defaming them.)

Tik Tok Video

@callmebkbk Replying to @slime_boyo ♬ original sound – call me bk

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