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Emotional Manipulation: The Tactic of Threatening Suicide

 Understanding the tactic of threatening suicide"Weaponizing"Helping a woman to put herself first becomes so much more difficult when a relations

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 Understanding the tactic of threatening suicide


Helping a woman to put herself first becomes so much more difficult when a relationship partner makes constant threats to end their life. 

Threatening suicide is a dangerous emotional abuse tactic used by some individuals to manipulate and control their partners or loved ones. 

It is a form of emotional blackmail that can be used as a tool to intimidate and gain power over the victim.

When someone that you care about says.”I’m going to harm myself if….” 

That’s terrifying. 

Most people would do whatever it takes to keep the person they care about from harming themselves. 

That’s why the tactic is so effective.  

An abusive person may use this very tactic as a way to make the victim feel guilty or responsible for their well-being.  A hostage situation.

It is important to understand that suicidal ideation is a serious mental health issue that should never be taken lightly. 

Suicide is a worldwide health crisis. 

However, in the hands of a manipulative or abusive person, a suicidal threat becomes a tactic to control or manipulate their partner.  

It sets up a dangerous cycle that can lead to the victim feeling trapped and helpless. A hostage situation.

In some cases, the abuser may make an attempt just to demonstrate that they will do it.  

“I’ll do it.”

This can lead the victim to have feelings of guilt and responsibility for the abusive or manipulative partner. Even worse, friends and outsiders may begin to put pressure on the victim to stay in the relationship so that the abusive person will not harm themselves again. 

Even if it means the abusive partner may continue to bring harm to their targets.

You Are NOT Responsible for the Choices of Others

It is important to remember that the victim is not responsible for the actions of the abuser and should never feel guilty for seeking help, taking time for themselves, or even leaving the relationship.

If you are in a relationship with someone who is threatening suicide as a way to control or manipulate you, it is important to seek help immediately. 

This can include reaching out to a trusted friend or family member, contacting a local domestic violence organization, or speaking with a mental health professional. 

Remember, you are not alone and there is help available.

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