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Police in Milwaukee No Longer Report the Biological Sex of Crime Victims

Heads up Wisconsin!Well, here is one way to end violence against women and girls.... I guess. Just make it vanish. Erase it.But doesn't the public hav

Surviving Abuse Daily: The Colonization of Womanhood and Childhood
Isn’t It Refreshing When a Man “Gets It”?
Male Delusions Are Potentially Lethal

Heads up Wisconsin!

Well, here is one way to end violence against women and girls…. I guess. Just make it vanish. Erase it.

But doesn’t the public have a right to know? Doesn’t this help members of the public who may have also been attacked come forward? Doesn’t more knowledge help the public make one another safer? 

Personally, I have friends and family who still text, call, & email one another when we hear of an attack of a woman in the area. We warn one another to take precautions we may have let slide or had not considered. 

Milwaukee police stop including victims’ gender in media releases (

Also…..please take note:

Having professionally written, approved, & reviewed grants….it is this easy to defund any demographic that you are a part of. 

Funding, resource allocation, grants, programs, government support etc…..are all decided according to statistics. Knowledge about upticks in crime against specific groups and subsets within specific demographics assists in making the case to gain funding and legislation passage.  

Counting Women And Girls

Women in the west take being counted in law enforcement data systems for granted these days.

Most of the systems in place that count female victims were devised or pushed by women.  Back when police agencies were all male, keeping records of murdered and violated women were not always a given.  

Need I remind everyone that case of the Freeway Phantom Killer where all collected evidence was thrown out. Someone murdered 6 young Black girls and the evidence-their clothing, family pictures, hair strands, DNA-was all tossed away. Discarded!

Justice for the Victims of the Freeway Phantom | WE Survive Abuse

Unsolved DC murders still haunt families |

There has been more than one crime story of women’s murders, from all backgrounds, being solved ONLY because a photographer or police officer just happened to have kept evidence from the crime scene in their basement for something like 60 years.  Someone that day just happened to give a damn because otherwise the evidence might have been destroyed or discarded. 

Women did not count as crime victims until women demanded to be counted.  

Non-transparency serves criminals not victims. 

Openness, truth, transparency is what serves victims and keeps others from becoming victims. 

Heads Up Wisconsin

Milwaukee said that there will be no “femicide” in their town, hunh? 

Did you know that Milwaukee has an extremely high domestic violence rate? I did not. 

Though, I am slightly encouraged by the work being done to eliminate the rape kit backlog. 

Surviving Abuse Daily: Every Month is Male Discomfort Awareness Month | WE Survive Abuse

Surviving Abuse Daily: The Colonization of Womanhood and Childhood | WE Survive Abuse


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