Transgender Bathroom Ban Doesn’t Discriminate, Court Holds (1) ( ( safety is not a right-wing is
Transgender Bathroom Ban Doesn’t Discriminate, Court Holds (1) (
Child safety is not a right-wing issue.
Child safety is not a left-wing issue.
Child safety is a CHILD SAFETY issue.
Child safety is not about the politics of adults. It is time, for once, to center the needs of children.
Schools are aware, skilled, and trained in managing the needs of pupils with various needs.
- Special needs students (physical & mental)
- IEP or individualized education plan
- Allergies/students who must take meds at school.
- Students whose families have few financial resources
- Joint custody issues
- Students whose families speak different languages than school staff
- Faith practicing students (various)
Keeping Children Safe in School: Body Safety | WE Survive Abuse
Diluting the Boundaries of Women and Girls is Extremely Dangerous | WE Survive Abuse
Why Get Angry About Women and Girls Fighting for Safety and Equality? | WE Survive Abuse
(UPDATE) We Teach Girls To Say “No”, Until: The Brave Girls in Vermont | WE Survive Abuse
Girls Do Not Owe Anyone Sexual Reparations (audio) | WE Survive Abuse
Learning from the Loudon County Tragedy (updated) | WE Survive Abuse
Can Ineffective Leadership Lead to Inadequate Safety for Girls? | WE Survive Abuse