Category: SPEAK

Letter from an Angry Survivor of Sexual Violence about this Bill Cosby Tragedy
7/7/2015Tonight I am angry.
That isn't my default setting t [...]

The Hideous Scars of Child Sexual Abuse: Self Doubt
Self-doubt. I think that one reason that some people can't under [...]

The Truth About Child's Play and Child Sexual Abuse
Before I typed this, I stared at the blinking cursor for quite some ti [...]

Mail Order Domestic Violence
(revised from original post 7/1/15)After the RiceLila married Jack.Thi [...]

Who is Hosting the 2015 Awards Ceremony for Rapists and Abusers
Oh come on. Surely someone must be. I mean with all of the [...]

5 Reasons Why the Silence Around Abuse Isn't Golden
They say "silence is golden". No, it isn't, it's tarni [...]

5 Reasons Why the Silence Around Abuse Isn't Golden
They say "silence is golden". No, it isn't, it's tarni [...]