
2015 Best Quote Posts of the Year from WE Survive Abuse

I am thankful for every single reader, whether you agreed or disagreed.  Whether you liked a post or hated a post.  We sought to educate, in

Letter from an Angry Survivor of Sexual Violence about this Bill Cosby Tragedy
UPDATE: How Good Parents Miss Child Sexual Abuse and 5 Questions to Change That
How We Are Getting Played by Rapists & Abusers
I am thankful for every single reader, whether you agreed or disagreed.  Whether you liked a post or hated a post.  We sought to educate, inform, and start conversations.  

When it comes to domestic and sexual violence, it is just too silent.

In 2015 some of our most popular posts were our quotes. We reviewed the numbers and the feedback.  Here were the reader’s favorites: 


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