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I Will Survive: How Survivor Gloria Gaynor Keeps Inspiring Decades After the Release of Grammy Winning Song

originally published 2/8/ 2016At First I Was Afraid... When we have been wounded we must heal.  To do that, I think we all use a combination of&n

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originally published 2/8/ 2016

At First I Was Afraid…

When we have been wounded we must heal.  
To do that, I think we all use a combination of tools

Some of them are good for us. 
Some of them ain’t. 

Some days, I recall the alarm disrupting my sleep, and the sun rudely throwing light into my bedroom. 

I didn’t feel like moving. 
I didn’t feel like talking.
I didn’t want to separate my eyelids. 
I just didn’t want to join along with people and do life again. 

But I Grew Strong
But when your toddler busts through the door and wants “ceral“, you really have no choice. Well, you do, but my little guy always held my love hostage for the price of a hug, a kiss, or a smile.

Music has been my elixir on many a day. I even had special theme music for those days.  One must, is there any being more impatient than a hungry toddler?

At the top of the playlist was, the classic disco song, “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor.

Whenever I hear that song, it ain’t never about no sorry love interest.  
No. It is about things with the power to stop me, even kill me. Back in those days when I was young and raising a strong-willed toddler, it was about all my obstacles deposited courtesy of rape and abuse.

Low self-esteem, lack of confidence, shame, guilt, and pain, pain, pain, pain, pain.

If we’re being real, sometimes those things, how you feel about yourself are what can lead you to those sorry love interests anyhow. Not to mention all the other deadly demons. 

A Vocalist and Survivor

Little did I know until just a few years ago that the great Gloria Gaynor is herself a Survivor!


Gloria Gaynor is a singer, songwriter, and actress who is best known for the 1978 disco classic, “I Will Survive.” She is a beacon of hope for many survivors of abuse, having experienced domestic violence for several years during her marriage and in her childhood years at the hands of a male relative. 
Gaynor has since become an advocate for survivors of abuse, giving a voice to those who have been silenced.
Gaynor’s story of survival is remarkable and inspirational. Despite the physical, sexual, and emotional abuse she endured, she remained determined to fight back. 
In her marriage, she refused to accept her husband’s behavior and ultimately found the courage to leave him. She survived a childhood vandalized by sexual violence, an unhealthy marriage, and the murder of her only sister.  Since then, Gaynor has worked to empower other survivors of abuse through her music and inspirational words.

She is a real-life inspiration.  Gloria Gaynor recorded a classic hit that has inspired millions.  Many years ago, she became a Christian and began to speak openly about her trials and her healing process. She continues to entertain audiences.  

Gloria Gaynor’s story of resilience and hope serves as an example to all survivors of abuse. She is a powerful force in the fight against domestic violence, speaking out against it, and encouraging victims to seek help. 

Her courage and strength are an inspiration to those who have been silenced by their abusers. Gloria Gaynor is a symbol of hope and resilience, showing that it is possible to survive abuse and reclaim one’s life.

She is now a spokesperson for the National Network to End Domestic Violence.  

Gloria always took the time to listen to how, I Will Survive, changed the lives of people all over the world.  Not long ago Gloria Gaynor put her story in writing along with other Survivors in a book titled, We Will Survive

It is a compilation of true stories of Survivors, including Gloria Gaynor’s. 

I just can’t tell you how much I enjoyed this book. To learn the real story behind the song that had given me inspiration for years was a glorious full-circle moment that I was glad that I lived to see.  In addition, stories of survival always provide fuel for my journey.  

I am thankful that on any given day when I am feeling low, there is something or someone around me to jumpstart my day in a positive direction.  

On many a day, that has been the voice of Survivor Gloria Gaynor.

She’s been singing this song for a long time. I pray that you get out there, stay out there, and keep singing your song too.

Tina Turner Survived Through Hell and NOTHINg About That is Funny | WE Survive Abuse


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