originally published 2/8/ 2016At First I Was Afraid... When we have been wounded we must heal. To do that, I think we all use a combination of&n
At First I Was Afraid…
When we have been wounded we must heal.
To do that, I think we all use a combination of
Some of them are good for us.
Some of them
Some days, I recall the alarm disrupting my sleep, and the sun rudely throwing light into my bedroom.
I didn’t feel like moving.
I didn’t feel like talking.
I didn’t want to separate my eyelids.
I just didn’t want to join along with people and do life again.
But I Grew Strong
But when your toddler busts through the door and wants “
Music has been my elixir on many a day. I even had special theme music for those days. One must, is there any being more impatient than a hungry toddler?
At the top of the playlist was, the classic disco song, “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor.
Whenever I hear that song, it
No. It is about things with the power to stop me, even kill me. Back in those days when I was young and raising a strong-willed toddler, it was about all my obstacles deposited courtesy of rape and abuse.
If we’re being real, sometimes those things, how you feel about yourself are what can lead you to those sorry love interests anyhow. Not to mention all the other deadly demons.
A Vocalist and Survivor
Little did I know until just a few years ago that the great Gloria Gaynor is herself a Survivor!
She is now a spokesperson for the National Network to End Domestic Violence.
Gloria always took the time to listen to how, I Will Survive, changed the lives of people all over the world. Not long ago Gloria Gaynor
It is a compilation of true stories of Survivors, including Gloria Gaynor’s.
I just can’t tell you how much I enjoyed this book. To learn the real story behind the song that had given me inspiration for years was a glorious full-circle moment that I was glad that I lived to see. In addition, stories of survival always provide fuel for my journey.
I am thankful that on any given day when I am feeling low, there is something or someone around me to jumpstart my day in a positive direction.
Tina Turner Survived Through Hell and NOTHINg About That is Funny | WE Survive Abuse