Category: Encourage

Own the Narrative: The Power of Storytelling Against Epistemicide
In a world where algorithms dictate whose voices are heard and whose [...]

Unlocking Hope: Ultimate Funding Resources for Domestic Violence Support and Survivor Empowerment
We need action now!
Over the decades, one of the [...]

Little Book of Affirmations for Women on the Rise (ebook)
LINKLittle Book of Affirmations for Women on the Ri [...]

Affirmed: Protect Your Power and Disengage From People Who Plant Self-Doubt
This week, I wish you success in distancing yourself from people who p [...]

Surviving Abuse Daily: Emotionally Manipulating Women Into Complying with Abuse | See Original [...]

Reminder to Be Grateful for Survival Today!
Take a moment. No matter, wave, blink or something [...]
Embracing Your Own Worth: The Power of Self-Validation (with Affirmations)
"It costs you nothing to just validate another person."I can thi [...]

Enhance YOU! 52 Ways to Keep Rising Through Chaos and Change (mini download)
Creating Peace Within Yourself in the Midst of Change If an [...]

Male Delusions Are Potentially Lethal | See Original [...]
Unhealthy Self-Esteem vs. Self-Compassion
Unhealthy Self Esteem vs Self Compassion by Tonya GJ Pr [...]

In the Hands of Survivors, Self-Compassion Can Be a Beacon of Strength
Self-compassion can emerge as a beacon of strength for survivors of a [...]

Overcoming Insecurities for Women
Living with insecurities can be an incredibly difficult experience for [...]

Unlocking Healing: How Journaling Helps Navigate Complicated Grief
Self-reflection and journaling can play a vital role in the heal [...]

Rest & Recharge: Black Women Finding Peace in a World That Keeps Going Backwards | See Original [...]

Survivor Affirmations: As a Woman, I Am Powerful When I Heal Just for Me, Myself, and I
Women can't heal on behalf of everyone else, nor should we [...]

Indications of Low Self-Awareness (Infographic)
Low Self Awareness Tonya GJ Prince by Tonya GJ Prince

Survivor Affirmations: Fear Exists to Teach Us
Male human beings have no idea what what qualifies as [...]