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Male Indecent Exposure: Ensuring the Safety of Young Girls

 Male indecent exposure refers to the act of exposing one's genitals with an explicit intention to shock, intimidate, or sexually harass others.

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Male indecent exposure refers to the act of exposing one’s genitals with an explicit intention to shock, intimidate, or sexually harass others. This behavior, which is a crime in most areas, particularly affects young girls, who may face lifelong psychological trauma as a result.

The Danger to Young Girls:

Male indecent exposure is not a harmless prank or an isolated incident. It can have severe impacts on young girls and their overall sense of safety, causing emotional distress, fear, and anxiety. Exposing children to such explicit acts at a tender age can lead to long-term repercussions on their 

  • self-esteem, mental 
  • well-being, and 
  • ability to trust others.

Steps to Ensure the Safety of Young Girls:

1. Education and Awareness:

Parents, guardians, and educators must engage in open conversations with young girls about 

  • body autonomy, 
  • boundaries, and 
  • inappropriate behaviors. 

Teaching them what constitutes acceptable behavior and empowering them to voice their concerns is crucial.

2. Encourage Vigilance and Assertiveness:

Emphasize the importance of being alert to their surroundings and teaching them how to respond if they encounter any indecent exposure incident. 

Encouraging girls to speak openly about their experiences and seek help from a trusted adult or authority figure can empower them to take action against any potential threats.

3. Foster a Supportive Environment:

Creating a safe and inclusive environment where young girls can freely express their concerns is vital. Parents, schools, and communities should actively promote zero-tolerance policies against indecent exposure, ensuring that these actions are met with appropriate consequences.

4. Raise Public Awareness:

Utilize various platforms, including 

  • community events, 
  • social media, and 
  • local initiatives, 

to rally support and raise awareness about the dangers of male indecent exposure. 

By shedding light on the issue and its potential impact, we can work together to build a society that protects our young girls.

Crime against women and girls is increasing

This is not a feeling. This is a fact.  

So much so that even organizations who have been pretending not to even know what a woman is in recent years reported this news. 

Why? Because even they realize that escalating, rampant, and unchecked violence against women is a threat to human survival.  

Let’s prioritize keeping children safe. At all times. Let the girls grow up untampered with.

Let’s call a wrong a wrong and a crime a crime. 

Bring girls empowerment, hope, and safety or just stay out of their way. 

Male indecent exposure is an unfortunate reality that poses significant dangers to our young girls. Creating a safe environment where they can freely grow, learn, and thrive is the collective responsibility of parents, educators, and society as a whole. 

By increasing awareness, supporting victims, and fostering open discussions, we can strive for a future where young girls are protected and can flourish without fearing the traumatic impact of indecent exposure incidents.  

Today, the Department of Education announced it will investigate whether or not the district violated Title IX in its poor response to sexual harassment. 

The Allegations Are These

DateMarch 2023

Place: Sun Prairie East High School in Wisconsin


Allegations:   4 14-year-old girls walked into their high school locker room after PE class wearing bathing suits.  They approached the showers to wash off the chlorine. 

According to the girls, an 18-year-old trans-identified male walked in, undressed, and began to shower in front of them fully nude.  The minors could not legally consent to this and felt uncomfortable. 

Sounds like a crime right?

School officials were notified but allegedly did not contact a Title IX officer as required by federal law. 

Allegedly school officials did not contact the girl’s parents. 

Allegedly school officials did not offer any services to the girls. 

One month later: Allegedly,  the principal provided a policy (not approved by the school board) that requires girls to use private facilities if they are uncomfortable with male exposure in their locker room. 

The Department of Justice is now investigating. 

PS. Women are boycotting Victoria’s Secret….again. 

The Gist: A male wanted to try on bras in the retail store’s fitting room. Victoria’s Secret apologized to the male because the staff (rightly) disallowed the mixing of the sexes during the process. 

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