Category: Wisdom

What's In a Name: A Survivor of Child Sexual Abuse names Her Rapist
Did I tell y’all about that time that they printed a speech I d [...]
Why Does Society Make it Difficult for Survivors of Rape & Abuse to Come Forward? Part 1
I watched "Cosby: The Women Speak." Actually, I recorded it.  [...]

6 Smart Tactics to Help Survivors Strengthen Confidence
People who have been abused often struggle with self-doubt. Yeah [...]

The Eye of the Child Sexual Abuse Survivor: A Black Man Takes the Mic
It is my honor to highlight the words of author Tremayne Moore as he c [...]

3 Surprising Lessons Kids Taught Me That Will Inspire You This Week
My son was born fighting for his life. He was born prematur [...]

Activists: This is About Power & Control
Update: This article is a re-post that still applies. I guess it alway [...]

Ask a Sex Abuse Survivor
Perhaps you recall my post from a few weeks back titled, "What a Diffe [...]

Ask a Sex Abuse Survivor
Perhaps you recall my post from a few weeks back titled, "What a Diffe [...]

6 FAQ by Parents & Caretakers about Child Sexual Abuse
Today, I would like to speak to the parents and caretakers of children [...]

Did You Hear the Joke about Blue Ivy, Brown Girls & Sexual Abuse? ME NEITHER
People have read my writing or seen me speak publicly and they are oft [...]

The Great Submission Hoax
Imagine being in a room of, I don't know, 30-50 people, and you hear t [...]

The Dirty Truth about Celeb Men in the Media Coming to the Rescue
Something weird is going on.Here lately, every time that beautiful you [...]

The Dirty Truth about Celeb Men in the Media Coming to the Rescue
Something weird is going on.Here lately, every time that beautiful you [...]

6 Quotes to Refill Survivors When Society Drains Us
I was so drained this weekend. But it is going to be alright. A [...]

Letter from an Angry Survivor of Sexual Violence about this Bill Cosby Tragedy
7/7/2015Tonight I am angry.
That isn't my default setting t [...]

Quotes on Overcoming Pain and Suffering for Survivors of Sexual Violence
The journey of healing from sexual violence and the pain that you stum [...]

Quotes on Overcoming Pain and Suffering for Survivors of Sexual Violence
The journey of healing from sexual violence and the pain that you stum [...]