Category: Women of Color

1 4 5 6 7 8 9 120 / 174 POSTS
Monday Morning Empowerment for Women and Girls

Monday Morning Empowerment for Women and Girls

We women and girls have such beautiful hearts. We have a capacity for [...]
WE Can’t Afford to Ignore Women

WE Can’t Afford to Ignore Women

It is so frustrating to see. In the west, the women's rights that [...]
HERStory: About Alice Beatrice Jones

HERStory: About Alice Beatrice Jones

 When her white husband requested an annulment due to alleged fra [...]
What “Diversity & Inclusion” Does Not Include (video)

What “Diversity & Inclusion” Does Not Include (video)

Diversity and inclusion was never meant to include removing women's ri [...]
So, Basically California Doesn't Give a DAMN About Women

So, Basically California Doesn't Give a DAMN About Women

California: Keep Prisons Single-Sex — Women's Liberation Front (womens [...]
Who’s Guilty of Appropriation? Only Males Get to Decide

Who’s Guilty of Appropriation? Only Males Get to Decide

Cultural appropriation refers to the adoption or use of elements of on [...]
1 4 5 6 7 8 9 120 / 174 POSTS
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