Category: Black Women
Black Women: Unshakable, Unstoppable, Unquestionable
When people build entire campaigns against you, they recognize your po [...]
Unveiling the Hidden Danger of Enmeshment: Its Role in Perpetuating Male Violence
When we talk about male violence, we must confront a har [...]

When They Say Speaking About Racism is the Problem: The Same Old Victim-Blaming Playbook
There is a pattern.
A Survivor of abuse speaks up, and the world re [...]

10 Sacred Truths for Black Women Who Are Tired of Carrying the World
1. You are not a beast of burden.The world will try to make you one. [...]

We Are Not the World’s Dumping Ground: The Sacred Art of Refusing Misplaced Blame
Black women, how much of the world’s weight have you carried today?

13 Powerful Truths About Womanism: A Pathway to Liberation, Healing, and Community
When people ask why I embrace Womanism, I say this: It tells the who [...]
Beyond Inclusion: The Legacy of Black Women Crafting Spaces of Strength and Solidarity
Not to keep going on about the United States presidential election [...]

12 Reasons Black Women Have Always Needed Womanism and Feminism
It is so concerning that people who live within community with Bla [...]

Respecting Black Women’s Hair: Embracing Autonomy and Wellness
We don't often speak about the impact that trauma has on hair. Maybe w [...]

Concern Trolling: When Fake Concern Masks Control Over Women’s Lives
"I'm just looking out for you."
"I'm just trying to help you [...]

Unlock Your Inner Power: Recognize Gaslighting Insults and Empower Yourself
Originally posted March 27, 2024
I am the c [...]

Own the Narrative: The Power of Storytelling Against Epistemicide
In a world where algorithms dictate whose voices are heard and whose [...]

10 Truths About Gynophobia That Might Surprise You
Gynophobia is Not a New Word—It’s Just Been Ignored.Th [...]

You Don’t Have to Prove Your Worth: Reclaiming Women’s Right to Safety, Dignity, and Respect
Turning every lady's room into
"his" too but in diffe [...]

Gynophobia: The Fear That Shapes Our Stories and Our Lives
In a world that often finds itself tangled in contradictions and parad [...]

Boundaries Aren’t Just Personal—They’re Political
Boundaries are powerful. They protect us, define us, and give us the [...]

7 Ways People Manipulate: Recognizing and Resisting Control
Ain't nothing new under the sun.Manipula [...]

10 Powerful Facts About Hattie Canty – A Working-Class Warrior
Via social media, Attorney Ben Crump put me onto this amazing wo [...]

Celia’s Resistance: The Forgotten Fight for Black Women’s Justice
You can't assert: "We are not our ancestors" while being&nb [...]

Human Rights Watch: Inadequate Cervical Cancer Prevention and Care for Black Women in the United States Mississippi Delta
Ignoring Women’s Health is Killing Us.Dismissing, underfunding, and er [...]