Category: Wisdom
What Songs Have Helped You When You Needed Comfort or Healing?
In this life, there will be pain, trials, and tribulations. I am [...]

Wisdom in Womanhood: Challenge Gender Expectations with Love, Joy, Safety, and Respect
Younger generations are so cute to think older generations don't know [...]

Getting Harder for Women Today: Know Your Manipulators | See Original [...]

What We Say Reveals To Others How Much We Value Ourselves
The words we choose to use can reveal a lot about our self-estee [...]
Why Does Society Make it Difficult for Survivors of Rape & Abuse to Come Forward? Part 2
Why Does Society Make it Difficult for Survivors of Rape & Abuse t [...]

To the Misguided, Misdirected, Mislead, and Misinformed, about Child Sexual Abuse
Back in 2016 this post was inspired when a very famous celebrity publi [...]
The Art of Domination: How Some Males Keep Winning at Power and Control
Mood Board Thy Name is Leena: Power and Control Wheels | WE Su [...]

Flowers to Tina Turner: Remembering the Queens of Music Who Amplify Women’s Voices
Music has been an integral part of our lives since forever. It h [...]

How Vision Boards Help Survivors Reclaim Their Future
For Survivors of trauma, the journey to healing isn’t just a [...]

Self-Care Includes Recognizing the Adult Bullies Around You
Part of self-care means monitoring how you are being treated by those [...]

Mental Health Awareness for Victims and Survivors (May 2023) | See Original [...]
Monday Morning Empowerment for Women and Girls
We women and girls have such beautiful hearts. We have a capacity for [...]

How Survivors Can Preserve the Lessons from Their Experiences for Storytelling
originally published 11/20/2015 To tell your story, you are going [...]

I’m Terrified to Tell You that I’m a Rape Survivor Because
I’m Terrified to Tell You that I’m a Rape Survivor Because I’m Afraid [...]

WE Survive Abuse presents: What Deserves Your Attention (flipbook)
WE Survive Abuse Presents: How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome [...]

Listen to Black Women. The First Time.
Women and men in the Black community trying to build a platform, [...]

A New Year Focus: Happiness
Survivor Affirmation: I Love and Approve of Myself No Matter W [...]
Cherishing Me: Marriage That Supports My Self-Love (video)
When a woman says, "I want to be married and have children someday." S [...]