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We JUST Won the Rights for Women in the 1970s: Notes on Dating Choices (updated)

"If it tries to diminish me, my health, my safety,  my ascendance, or my rights, it is unacceptable, to me."Tonya GJ Pri

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“If it tries to diminish me, 

my health, 
my safety,  
my ascendance, 
or my rights,
 it is unacceptable, to me.”

Tonya GJ Prince

Unhindered female choice in relationships is still relatively
new, even in the US.

In the 1970’s..not all American women even have access to:

  • credit, 
  • property ownership, 
  • certain jobs, 
  • & dating/marrying who *you* want to be
    with for their own reasons.

Some chains remain on minds for a while.

While a person born in the 1990’s may be used to having certain rights, they were still raised in homes, families, neighborhoods, schools, and faith communities where the autonomy of female human beings was not embraced. 

We know from American slavery (and other places all around the world) that just because a hard-fought-for law or policy grants a group the freedoms that should have always been available to them, it is a lot harder to change minds, behaviors, and systems.

None of our communities are in the habit of respecting
female relationship choices. Even the communities in the Western world. Yep, even the United States.

You may hear/see people continue to challenge women’s rights. 

You may hear/see people continue to challenge whether women should have ever been given the rights we fought for since the beginning of time in the first place.

You may hear/see people challenge whether women “really” know what’s good for them. 

 You may hear/see people challenge whether women know what we are doing when we make relationship choices that serve our current needs/wants.

You may hear/see people challenge whether women should be “allowed” to meet & travel alone without some sort of male supervision or accompaniment. 

You may hear/see people express resentment, ridicule, and even violence at the very idea that women can make educational, financial, family planning, and/or relationship choices …..all by their powerful selves. 

Some folks are still annoyed about women winning those battles.  A LOT of folks.

Still bitter. Still mad. Still pouting. 

It gets annoying. It gets weird. It gets on your nerves. 

Please engage in self-care. 

In the meantime, also, be loyal to yourself &
your future. 

They will catch up or………… they won’t.

Final notes: 

*Lots of different types of people exist on this planet.
  In 2020, there were approximately 
7.753 billion

All of the 7.753 billion living & breathing people “exist”. 

And, there are more on the way. 

You are not obligated to date all 7.753 billion people or even those interested in dating you. 



Be selective. 

Be choosy.

You must.

Clarify your wants and needs, for yourself. 

Dating/marriage can be challenging under the most optimal conditions.  

Dating (or getting dates you like/love) is challenging for most people who exist (read: live). 

Real-life and the “dating” we see on television, in film, in songs, and on social media have a lot of dis-similarities. 

dating/marrying choices are about preferences. 

Each & every single one. 

dating/marrying choices include some sort of individual preferred
characteristics, status, temperament, interests etc…

Even the most open-minded, “give everybody a chance”, “free love” person…….has preferences (stuff they like & don’t like).

Women are allowed to
have them too.

Women are not obligated to be charitable when choosing who to date and/or marry.

Be loyal to yourself.

Other people will be fine just like they are when men date/marry as they choose.

*P.S. There will always be people who disagree with your choices. 


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