Bullies and Cowards: A Natural Alliance in the Abuse of Women and Vulnerable Adults

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Bullies and Cowards: A Natural Alliance in the Abuse of Women and Vulnerable Adults

If there is one thing history, society, and personal experience have proven time and again, it’s that bullies and cowards are natural allies. They m

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If there is one thing history, society, and personal experience have proven time and again, it’s that bullies and cowards are natural allies. They move together, protect each other, and feed off of each other. Alone, a coward might hesitate. Alone, a bully might not have enough power. But together? They are a wrecking force of destruction, particularly for women, Survivors, and vulnerable adults.

Cowards don’t just look the other way—they align with power to help bullies destroy. They whisper in the background, cheer from the sidelines, and excuse the harm done to others because standing up for what’s right would cost them too much. They are desperate to belong, desperate to be on the “winning” side, even if that means siding with cruelty, exploitation, and outright abuse.

And for women—especially women who have Survived violence—this alliance between bullies and cowards is devastating.

Cowards Are Not Just Bystanders—They Are Enablers

Too often, people want to believe that cowardice is passive. That cowards just don’t want to get involved. That they mean well but feel powerless. But that’s a lie.

🔹 Cowards don’t just fail to stand up—they help reinforce the bully’s power.
🔹 Cowards don’t just avoid conflict—they actively side with the abuser to protect themselves.
🔹 Cowards don’t just stay silent—they repeat the bully’s talking points, laugh at their cruelty, and ensure that the victim stands alone.

They will happily throw a woman, a Survivor, a vulnerable person under the bus if it means keeping their own position safe. And the worst part? They will claim to be the good ones while doing it.

They say things like:
📢 “I don’t want to pick a side.” (While standing squarely on the side of the bully.)
📢 “I don’t think it’s my place to get involved.” (While watching harm unfold right in front of them.)
📢 “I just don’t like drama.” (While protecting those who create it.)

Make no mistake: Cowards choose their side. And more often than not, they side with power, not justice.

Why Bullies and Cowards Target Women and Vulnerable Adults

Bullies need easy targets, and women, Survivors, and vulnerable adults make easy prey because they are already fighting battles on multiple fronts.

Women face systemic inequality, sexual violence, and societal expectations to be agreeable and quiet.
Survivors are already fighting for their credibility, dignity, and safety.
Vulnerable adults—whether due to disability, poverty, or other factors—are often isolated and without support.

Bullies attack those who are already under-protected, unheard, and exhausted. And cowards? They join in because they are desperate to align with power, even if that means aligning with cruelty.

Think about how often you’ve seen this play out:

  • The workplace bully who humiliates a female coworker while spineless colleagues look the other way—or worse, laugh along.
  • The family member who abuses a vulnerable relative while the rest of the family pretends not to notice.
  • The online mob that harasses a woman for speaking her truth, while silent cowards pile on to protect their own status.
  • The political or social movements where men and their female enablers target women who dare to stand up for their rights.

Cowards and bullies work together because they both benefit:
🚨 The bully gets to dominate, control, and destroy.
🚨 The coward gets to stay “safe” by standing next to power, rather than opposing it.

The Cost for Survivors

For Survivors, the alliance of bullies and cowards is nothing new.

It’s the courtroom full of people who “never saw anything” when a woman reports abuse.
It’s the co-workers who suddenly “don’t remember” when a woman comes forward about harassment.
It’s the friends who say, “I don’t want to get involved” when they know someone is being harmed.

For Survivors, this betrayal is often worse than the initial harm itself. The violence of one abuser is devastating. But the violence of an entire network of enablers? That is what truly silences women, isolates them, and keeps abuse hidden in the shadows.

Survivors already fight to be heard. When cowards align with bullies, they ensure that fight is even harder.

How Do We Break This Alliance?

If we want to dismantle the power of bullies, we must start by exposing and confronting the cowards who enable them.

💥 Call out cowardice for what it is. Silence is not neutrality. Indifference is not kindness. Looking the other way is a choice.
💥 Expose those who claim to be “good” while standing with abusers. If someone chooses comfort over justice, they are part of the problem.
💥 Refuse to let Survivors stand alone. The only way to dismantle a bully-coward alliance is to form a stronger, louder, more determined resistance.

If you are silent in the face of abuse, you are not neutral.
If you protect your own comfort while others suffer, you are not kind.
If you allow cruelty to continue because speaking up is “too hard,” then you are just as responsible as the bully you’re protecting.

And to every coward who aligns with power to stay safe: You may think the bully will never turn on you. But they will. And when that day comes, the people you abandoned won’t be there to help you.

Survivors deserve more than silence.
Women deserve more than cowardice.
Vulnerable people deserve more than betrayal.

And bullies and cowards? They deserve to be called out, exposed, and removed from every space where they cause harm.


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