She Never Saw It Coming: The Danger of Assuming a Man Will Take Care of You for a Lifetime

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She Never Saw It Coming: The Danger of Assuming a Man Will Take Care of You for a Lifetime

No woman envisions herself needing the services of a domestic violence or rape advocate. No woman walks into a marriage or long-term relationship expe

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a man in an orange and blue dress is in the waterNo woman envisions herself needing the services of a domestic violence or rape advocate. No woman walks into a marriage or long-term relationship expecting to feel afraid, abandoned, or controlled. But life has a way of turning love stories into something unrecognizable.

Many women are raised to believe that if they find the right man—one who provides, protects, and stays by their side—they will always be taken care of. But what happens when life doesn’t go as planned?

The Unseen Illness

She thought they were happy. Then something shifted. Her husband’s moods became erratic. The outbursts started. The anger escalated. She begged him to see a doctor, but he refused. She didn’t know that he had an undiagnosed brain condition. By the time the truth came out—after bruises, after fear, after sleepless nights—he was gone. She never imagined that her love story would end in trauma.

The Caregiver’s Resentment

When she got sick, he promised to take care of her. That’s what love is, right? But as her illness worsened, his patience wore thin. He became cold, then cruel. Neglect turned into insults. Resentment turned into mistreatment. She never planned for this. Never thought the man who once adored her would become bitter and mean.

The Career Change That Became a Threat

She wanted more for herself. A new career, a new purpose. At first, he was clingy—sweet, even. “I just miss you when you’re gone.” But then, the control started. The guilt-tripping. The anger. The accusations. The threats. And when she wouldn’t back down, he got violent. She never thought that choosing herself would cost her safety.

Men Are Not Financial Plans

Women are taught that if they find the right man, they’ll never have to worry. But what happens when:

  • He loses his job?
  • He changes?
  • He gets sick?
  • He leaves?
  • He becomes dangerous?

Too many women wake up one day realizing they have nothing in their name. They sacrificed their dreams, their independence, their security—believing that love was enough. But love does not guarantee protection. Marriage is not a financial plan. And dependence can become a trap.

Even Older Women Are Not Safe

This isn’t just a young woman’s issue. A recent study found that one in eight women killed by men in the past 15 years were over the age of 70. (Source) Many of these women spent their entire lives believing they were safe—until they weren’t.


Many of us were raised with the idea that if we find the right man, he will provide, protect, and take care of us forever. It’s a comforting thought—but a dangerous assumption that has left too many women vulnerable.

Here’s why:

1️⃣ Men Are Not Financial Plans

Depending on a man for survival is a gamble, not a strategy. Even the most loving and committed man can lose his job, fall ill, or experience financial hardship. What happens then? Every woman deserves financial security that isn’t dependent on another person’s choices, abilities, or mood.

2️⃣ Relationships Change—Sometimes Without Warning

Even the happiest marriages don’t always last. Divorce, infidelity, separation, or even death can leave women in sudden financial distress. Many women who thought they were “taken care of” wake up one day to realize they have nothing in their name.

3️⃣ Power Imbalances Lead to Control

When a woman relies on a man for everything, that man has all the power. And not all men use that power responsibly. Financial dependence is a tool of control in many abusive relationships. When you have your own resources, you have the ability to leave when you need to.

4️⃣ No One Plans to Be Widowed

Some women assume their husbands will always be around to provide. But what if they aren’t? Too many women find themselves in grief and financial ruin after their spouse passes—because they were never taught to prepare for the unexpected.

5️⃣ Raising Kids Is Expensive—And Often Falls on Women

Even in two-parent households, women still bear most of the responsibility for child-rearing. If a man leaves or stops providing, who suffers? You and the children. No woman should be forced to struggle just because someone else didn’t keep their promises.

6️⃣ Marriage Doesn’t Guarantee Financial Safety

Women often outlive men, yet many married women never learn how to manage money, handle investments, or build assets. A marriage license isn’t a financial plan—knowing how to provide for yourself is.

7️⃣ Your Dreams Matter, Too

Too many women give up their education, careers, and ambitions under the assumption that a man’s income will be enough. Then life happens. And they realize too late that they sacrificed their own security, passions, and independence.

8️⃣ Financial Freedom Means Choices

Awareness > Fear and Uncertainty

When you can support yourself, you have options. You don’t have to stay in a toxic marriage. You don’t have to tolerate disrespect. You don’t have to beg for what you need. Independence gives you the ability to choose joy over survival.

Love is beautiful, but it is not a financial safety net.

The assumption that a partner will provide lifelong care and protection can be perilous. Life’s unpredictability—illness, financial hardship, emotional stress—can alter dynamics within a relationship, sometimes with devastating consequences. Recognizing these potential risks is crucial for all women, regardless of age or circumstance.

Hope for the best, but prepare for the reality that no one—not even the best man—can guarantee your financial security for a lifetime.

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