Category: Mental Wellness and Health
The Relationship Between Power and Truth: Why Survivors Must Be Free to Speak
So women all over the globe started [...]
The Overlooked Truth: Asexuality, Boundaries, and Survivor Safety
Conversations about safety, consent, and boundaries are vital, yet t [...]
Facing Reality: Identity Does Not Erase Patterns of Male Violence
We cannot fix what we refuse to face. And when it comes to the safety [...]

Black Women Are Not the Mules of the World—Not Then, Not Now, Not Ever
Black women said "no" and the burning crosses came out in force. Soc [...]
Bullies and Cowards: A Natural Alliance in the Abuse of Women and Vulnerable Adults
If there is one thing history, society, and personal experience have [...]
Myth: “Women Are Safe as Long as There Are Good Men Around”
Reality: Women Are Only as Safe as the Boundaries and Protections We D [...]

10 Sacred Truths for Black Women Who Are Tired of Carrying the World
1. You are not a beast of burden.The world will try to make you one. [...]

We Are Not the World’s Dumping Ground: The Sacred Art of Refusing Misplaced Blame
Black women, how much of the world’s weight have you carried today?

She Never Saw It Coming: The Danger of Assuming a Man Will Take Care of You for a Lifetime
No woman envisions herself needing the services of a domestic violence [...]

12 Reasons Black Women Have Always Needed Womanism and Feminism
It is so concerning that people who live within community with Bla [...]

Concern Trolling: When Fake Concern Masks Control Over Women’s Lives
"I'm just looking out for you."
"I'm just trying to help you [...]

No More Empty Promises: What It Really Means to Support Prostituted Persons
Supporting Prostituted Persons Means More Than Just Words
"Shaming [...]

Own the Narrative: The Power of Storytelling Against Epistemicide
In a world where algorithms dictate whose voices are heard and whose [...]

Healing is Yours: Beware the Micromanagers of Your Journey
Pain hurts like hell.
Let people heal.
As someo [...]

Creating a Safety Plan: Essential Steps for Protecting Yourself from Stalking and Harassment
When faced with stalking, harassment, or any form of abuse, having a [...]

How People Prompt or Lure Women to Prove Their Worth
"Why doesn't she leave? Why did she go back?"
We don't spend a lot [...]

Primal Protection: The Little-Known Sleep Habit of Most Trauma Survivors
I saw this online from Dr. Mozelle Martin and wanted to share it. Self [...]

How Men Who Respect Women Can Show It Every Day
About the So-Called "Male Loneliness Epidemic"I do not think that men [...]

The Weight of Invisible Pain: Why Fibromyalgia Leaves You Exhausted Before the Day Begins
Fibromyalgia and abuse are deeply intertwined in ways that medical sci [...]
Protecting Women’s Health and Sanity This Week | See Original [...]