I was speaking on female safety w/a male friend. He then tells me that the tradeswomen on construction sites have single-sex, single-o [...]
American Racism in the Colonization of Womanhood | Women Are Human by Dr Suzanne Forbes-Vierling Ending the Brutality o [...]
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1. You are not a beast of burden.The world will try to make you one. It will pile its sins, mistakes, and unhealed wounds onto your back. [...]
Huge thanks to Brijana Prooker @BriProoker for shining a thoughtful spotlight on domestic violence in this informative piece. I'm [...]
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The Truth about Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence and Boundaries
The Very Idea People used to walk all over my boundaries. And, I used to allow them to get away with it. Wise counsel taught me that that wa [...]
10 Truths About Grooming: What It Is and What It Is Not
Grooming is a word we hear often, but too many people still misunderstand what it truly means. That misunderstanding can lead to silence, shame, and [...]

How Releasing Our Hold on Secrets Helps Us to Keep Healing
"Until you face the pain of the past, you can never truly heal."Today, I want to talk about the powerful impact that keeping secrets can have on [...]

How to Support Lesbian Friends in Abusive Relationships
As an advocate, you become familiar with the careful way that a woman tells you her story. She's testing your waters. Are you safe? Are you judgment [...]

WE Survive Abuse Presents: How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome (FREE flip ebook)
Explainer video for flip ebook[...]

The Gift of Access to YOU (audio/podcast)
This episode unpacks how those lessons of survi [...]

By the Power of Self-Protection (podcast/audio)
In a world that often tells women to shrink, to pleas [...]

Never Go Back: Break-Up Safety Tips for Abused Partners (Infographic)
Speaking of never going back.....Brea [...]

How to Get the Truth Around Obstacles of Myths, Lies, & Distraction: Infographics
Let Me Tell ItI once worked as the sexual assault Out [...]
Let Women and Girls Tell Their Own Stories (25 Journal Prompts)
LINKLet Women and Girls Tell Their Ow [...]
How We Villainize Black Women Who Disagree with Males: C. Delores Tucker (audio story)
How We Villainize Black Women Who Disagree with [...]

You Are Worthy Now and You Were Then: Featuring Brielle Fowler (audio/podcast)
In this empowering episode of Survivor Affirm [...]

My Daily Self Love Journal (printable)
My Self Love Journal (printable)
... [...]

How Survivors Find Their Voices and Help Others: Shanika Sealy
Survivors of oppression and/or violence are the most [...]

These Skilled Silencers Are Good At Keeping People Quiet (infographic) UPDATED
It's essential to foster a humane and inclusive [...]
Violence Prevention at Festivals FREE (ebook)
Exploring the Dark Side of Festivals [...]
Believing Everyone Plays Fair? Here’s How It Backfires (Infographic)
Believing everyone respects boundaries is a hop [...]
The Healing Space: A Guidebook for Women Rising in Their Power After Abuse
LINK"The Healing Space You Deserve: A Guidebook [...]
Eva Cassidy: An Inspiration Remembered
elink.io | See Original[...]
The Art of Domination: How Some Males Keep Winning at Power and Control
Mood Board Thy Name is Leena: Power and Contr [...]

Books for Survivors: Amy Tan and Cathy L. Patrenos
Healing and Change: The Ultimate Fall 2023 Book Lover [...]

As a Woman, You May Find It Challenging to Stand Up for Yourself If..(video & audio)
“I’m interested in women’s health because I’m a w [...]

The Power of Unapologetic Truth: Fannie Lou Hamer and Zora Neale Hurston (audio/podcast)
In this episode of We Survive Abuse, we explore [...]

Can White Women Deny Black Women Womanhood? (audio)
Womanhood is about character, lessons, wisdom, [...]
Survivor Affirmations on Audio
Survivor Affirmations: Change is My FriendSurvivor Af [...]

How My Pastor Showed Me the Power of the Pulpit to End Violence and Abuse (audio)
The Eye of the Child Sexual Abuse Survivor: A [...]

A Call to Center Women and Girls in Abortion Rights (audio)
A-Call-to-Center-Women-and-Girls-in-Abortion-Ri [...]
Empower Your Daughter: A Quick Reference Guide to Raising a Confident and Assertive Young Woman (flipbook)
Exploring the Dark Side of Festivals: Uncove [...]

Spotting the Red Flags: Early Warning Signs of Manipulative and Abusive People (audio/podcast)
Manipulators don’t wear name tags, but their ac [...]

WE Are Women: The Misters’ Obsession with Changing Names (audio)
Why do you think that people assume that a wom [...]

Catching Up On Some Reads (Great Books)
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How to Start Talking to Young Children about Sexual Abuse
My whole world shifted. As always, it was the fault o [...]
An Infographic Explanation of the Word “No” (infographic) w/ audio
🚩Because people who can't take "no" for an answer [...]

Book Shelf: Finding Purpose in the Pain: Devotions for Victims of Parental Alienation
I received a link to the book below and it put [...]

12 Unapologetic Truths: Your Rights as a Woman Are Unconditional (Audio/podcast)
Your rights as a woman are not up for debate.&n [...]

Favorite Books on Abuse, Rape, & Violence: Tonya GJ Prince (flipbook)
Greetings Readers, Books are a cri [...]

Medical Sexism and Misogyny: The Harm in “Assigned Female at Birth”
Often used in medical and social contexts, this phras [...]

Catfishing Infographic
Catfishing Infographic by Tonya GJ Pr [...]

New Read: The Handbook of Research on Trauma with Children, Working with High Poverty Schools and Communities
LINK@supreme.neck.protector #Trauma #Yo [...]

Your Vocal Power: Podcast Selections for Survivors this Week
From WE Survive Abuse podcast. Stories of inspi [...]

The Role of Homeownership in Women’s Liberation: Domestic Violence and Homelessness (podcast/audio)
In this episode, explore the critical inter [...]

The Magic Trick: How Grooming Feels in the Beginning
They welcome you in with warmth, with open arms [...]

Naming Ourselves: The Right of Women to Define Our Power and Purpose (audio/Podcast)
In this episode of the We Survive Abuse Podcast, host [...]

The Power of Healing Spaces: Why Race-Specific Healing Groups Are as Vital as Sex-Specific Ones (audio/podcast)
Healing is universal, but the paths we take to get th [...]

10 Days of Self-Compassion for Stress-Relief (ebook)
Copy of 10 days_Self-Compassion Journ [...]
Big Mama Thornton: I Stand Up for Myself For As Long As I Can
Big Mama Thornton, who originally recorded the [...]

Book: Beat Face, The Story of Surviving Myself and My Abuser
This author and I follow one another on social [...]

The Numbers Do Not Lie, So Stop Asking Women to Accept Less Safety (UPDATE)
Organizations around the world have been distracted. Consumed with chastising women and pushing us to "be kind". Silencing us. De-platforming us. Dis-inviting us. Ignoring [...]

Surviving Abuse Daily: News Impacting Women in Nov. 2022
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6 Common Behaviors of Female Enablers of Abusive Males (infographic)
When a woman stands up for herself and her rights, be a good person and get the hell out of her way. This world puts a lot of obstacles in front of girls and women. It takes a [...]

A Mother Daughter Team Teaching Lessons on Teen Dating Violence: Carolyn Mosely and Ortralla Mosely (Resting in Power)
During a
season of speaking to youth about teen dating violence, I decided that I needed
to tell them about young people just like them.After an
online search, I discovered media [...]

Tiffany Jenae Carroll: It is Still Against the Law to Defend Yourself Against an Abusive Male
I believe in love.....BUT, I'm not convinced that everyone believes that women have a right to be safe in the pursuit of true love. As you read the story of Tiffany Jenae [...]
What Songs Have Helped You When You Needed Comfort or Healing?
In this life, there will be pain, trials, and tribulations. I am truly thankful for the gift of music. High-quality music can soothe our souls and uplift our spirits.1. Emotion [...]

Red Flag Alert: Unhinged Game Fans
You know these people. They are not on the team.They have no stock in the team.Heck, they may not have money on the game. The players, the coaches, team doctors, the staff [...]

The Overlooked Truth: Asexuality, Boundaries, and Survivor Safety
Conversations about safety, consent, and boundaries are vital, yet there is a community that often gets overlooked: asexual individuals. Asexuality is not simply the absence of sexual a [...]
Child Curriculum Issues Around Sexuality Instruction in Schools Are Not Just Left vs Right
No matter what anyone tells you, the assertion of the latest guidelines around just how far to go when it comes to sexuality in schools as being left vs right or hate vs good is not the t [...]

13 Powerful Truths About Womanism: A Pathway to Liberation, Healing, and Community
When people ask why I embrace Womanism, I say this: It tells the whole truth. It acknowledges what many of us already know in our bones—our survival, healing, and liberation are deeply [...]

Can Ineffective Leadership Lead to Inadequate Safety for Girls?
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Why Other People’s forgiveness may not be for you
I’m concerned.I have been watching a reality television show about a popular gospel group.I know that people learn lessons from television. I do too. To an extent.Y’all do know that [...]

Mail Order Domestic Violence
(revised from original post 7/1/15)After the RiceLila married Jack.Things were fairy tale for a long time. And then the abuse started. Then it stopped. Then it never stopped.LilaLila was [...]

The Eye of the Child Sexual Abuse Survivor: A Black Man Takes the Mic
It is my honor to highlight the words of author Tremayne Moore as he courageously shares his story and offers advice for healing: Hi. My name is Tremayne Moore and yes, I’m a [...]
Rape Behind Bars: The Untold Dangers of Mixed-Sex Prisons for Women
For this, California leaders should be named and held fully accountable. They were warned & made the choice not to listen. Prison officials & lawmakers are allies & accom [...]

Give Me 5 Minutes: What is a Toxic Relationship? (audio)
Give Me 5 Minutes: What is a Toxic Relationship? (audio)[...]

Robin Givens’ Courage: Society’s Response to Domestic Violence Has Not Changed Enough Since 1988
>>"Robin Givens was expected to LIE to shield a man."<<On the one hand, people interrogate domestic violence victims. "Why didn't she leave?""Why does she stay?""Why not [...]

Surviving Abuse Daily: Womanhood THIS Week
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An Open Secret for Ending the Cycle of Abusive Relationships and Finding the Healthy One
So yesterday I posted about ending the cycle of abusive relationships in a person's personal life and finding the healthy one. Well later in the day, I read this post from author O [...]

How ‘WE the People’ Violate Women in Prison Today
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Recovery: 20 Reasons to Leave an Abusive Relationship
As a veteran advocate for victims of domestic and sexual violence, I know better than to ask: "Why won't you leave?"I know why. The reasons are valid:Concerns about the childrenFear of be [...]

5 Things You Should Know About the History of “Gender”
For many of us, the word gender feels like it has always existed in the way we use it today. But the truth is, the meaning of gender has changed over time—and not always for the right rea [...]

Justice for All: The Overlapping Paths of DEI and Disability Rights (Updated w/related links)
We need RIGHTS!We can't always rely on the kindness of others. So, we gotta think smarter. What are these men leading the charge to take away rights replacing them with? What are they giv [...]

Divine Work: Confronting Silence Around Abuse in Church Communities
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Imagine If We Told Men to “Be Kind” as Often as We Tell Women
You can absolutely tell who is male and who is female. Men have been raging at NataleeBFitness all week long. Ever since she announced that her new fitness gym is for women only. Not j [...]

Surviving Abuse Daily: The Colonization of Womanhood and Childhood
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Take Care of You: Self Care Awareness
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Filmmaker Alison Jayne Wilson: Alika Kinan Exposes Trafficking Recruitment Tactics (video)
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month From @FilmmakerAlisonJayneWilson (X)In EXIT, Alika Kinan exposes how traffickers and "recruiters" exploit the vulnera [...]

Listen to Women: Sexual & Gender-based Violence :Experts Urge Victims To Break Culture Of Silence.
It is extremely important that women are given space to speak and be heard. Our very survival depends on it. 24 More Phrases People Use to Try to Silence Survivors of Sexual Vi [...]

Unsilencing Women’s Voices: Our Power in Speaking Up about Female Health and Social Issues
"Social pats on the head will not cure health problems that have been ailing women for centuries".- Tonya GJ PrinceSo this happened .......A beautiful content creator shared a video on he [...]

150 Appropriate and Powerful Words Bloggers and Vloggers Can Use in Headlines about Domestic Violence
Bloggers and vloggers often fail to recognize the seriousness of domestic violence cases by employing a casual writing style that is entirely inappropriate for the inherent violence invol [...]

Women Taint Nobody's Business Who You Choose to Love (audio)
Women Tain't Nobody's Business Who You Choose To Love [...]
Washington Nurse Reveals Horrific Jail Conditions for Women Housed with Violent Men
It is insane AND inhumane to house women in confined spaces with males, especially men convicted of violent crimes. What is wrong with US?!King County Jail Whistleblower Comes [...]

Beyond the Perpetrator: It’s Not About Who Harmed, It Is About THE Harm (Podcast)
Survivor and victim's advocate Tonya GJ Prince addresses how making assumptions about who is or isn't capable of violence silences Survivors of violence and abuse. Using stories of [...]

Survivor Spotlight: Katrina Cooke Brownlee
From strong to stronger....As a tortured domestic violence victim, she may have lost those first battles. Especially since he had a badge, but then she got one too. And then everyth [...]

Favorite Books on Abuse, Rape, & Violence: Tonya GJ Prince (flipbook)
Greetings Readers, Books are a critical element to healing and understanding violence,
rape, and abuse. Book recommendations
are valued.Please feel free to send [...]

The Forbidden Truth About Intimate Partner Violence & Abuse Revealed by Wyatt O'Brian Evans
I'd like to introduce to some of you a Survivor who makes me smile instantly. He is passionate, informed, and somehow finds a way to do this often distressful work with gregarious jo [...]

23 Common Excuses Used to Downplay Safety Risks for Women
The words in italics are words commonly used by general society to scapegoat women for male violence. The words in bold are the words we need to speak more loudly and more boldly. IF [...]
Respecting Black Women’s Hair: Embracing Autonomy and Wellness
We don't often speak about the impact that trauma has on hair. Maybe we should. Throughout my healing journey, my hair has told on me. And the women around me have asked, critiqued, or sh [...]
Society’s Failure to Protect Women & Girls in the Locker Room
For those of us who have been ringing alarms in recent years....keep speakingFor those who have remained silent, please start speaking and stop ignoring that women and girls are being rob [...]

IF ONLY Black Textured Hair Were “Just Hair”
There are thousands of videos, articles, and podcasts on the topic everywhere. The knowledge is there. The people still telling you that Black hair issues are "just hair [...]

Please Stop Building These Sacred Calves in Child Abuse
“She doesn’t believe that people in the church would do that.”“He thinks only people who go to church do that.”“How will I convince her that a minister would do these things? She’ll never [...]
Period Poverty in the United States
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13 Essential Habits of Non-Misogynistic Ideologies (slide and ebook)
Essential Traits of Non-Misogynistic Ideologies by Tonya GJ Prince13 Essential Habits of Non-Misogynistic Ideologies ebook [...]

The Relationship Between Power and Truth: Why Survivors Must Be Free to Speak
So women all over the globe started telling truths around violence, abuse, and sexual harassment. The next thing you know it became taboo for women to sp [...]

FAQ About Trauma, Abuse, & Violence with Gary Jones LCSW (audio)
FAQ About Trauma, Abuse, and Violence With GaryJones LCSW [...]

Umoja: Belief as a Source of Strength, Not Control
Umoja is a Kiswahili word that means "unity"Your beliefs—whether they come from religion, personal values, or life experiences—are yours. They shape who you are and guide how yo [...]

Mirror Reflections: How What We Don't Know About Suicide is Killing People
From 7/1/2015According to the CDC: In 2013 (the most recent year for which full data are available), 41,149 suicides were reported, making suicide the 10th leading cause of de [...]

Which Male Organizations Center or Highlight the Issues of Trans Men?
Women's organizations such as UN Women make it a practice to center the issues that impact trans women. The same for NOW and Planned Parenthood.So, do male organizations center the [...]

10 Truths About Gynophobia That Might Surprise You
Gynophobia is Not a New Word—It’s Just Been Ignored.The term gynophobia (fear or hatred of women) has existed for centuries. Yet, unlike misogyny, which gets more attentio [...]
7 Ways Authoritarian Groups & Movements Put Women at High Risk (Part 1)
"It doesn't hurt you to just...."Coerced and compelled speech can be considered a hallmark of authoritarianism. Authoritarian regimes often seek to control and manipulate people's :t [...]
Our Safety Isn’t a Punchline: Standing Strong Against Ridicule
Women’s safety isn’t a joke. Ain't a damn thing "funny" about it.Yet, whenever we gather the courage to openly discuss our unique safety challenges, there are those who respond no [...]

Gratitude to Dr. Bernice Johnson Reagon
Music is healing.Music is power.On many, many, many a day when danger, threats, erasure, pain, mistakes, and hyper-invisibility were jumping on my very last nerve-there was the soot [...]

Creating Healing Spaces for Black Girls: A Life-Affirming Necessity
There’s a quiet magic in Black girls. But all too often, that magic is forced to grow in hostile soil, surrounded by harsh winds and cold shadows. Black girls carry so muc [...]

Domestic Violence and The Inevitable Mental Health Risk
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Isn’t It Refreshing When a Man “Gets It”?
POV: Anti-Misogynist Podcast@cyzeyesboudoir@cyzeyesboudoir How podcasters could sound if they werent so busy dissing women. #podcast #misogyny #allmen #empowerment #boudoirphotogr [...]

The Distortion of Gender: How a Controversial Psychologist Reframed the Conversation
Only some people use their knowledge and intelligence for the betterment of humanity.
Some people use their knowledge and intelligence to destroy it. -Tonya GJ PrinceFor generations [...]

Robin Simpson TX Mother Murdered in Front of Child; Justice System Response Questioned
This is one of the most horrific incidences of domestic violence many of us advocates have heard of. Robin Simpson was murdered in stabbed in front of her child but please be warned [...]

New Wars Against Women Require New Strategies
Like a virus, silencing tactics always adapt and evolve. Tonya GJ Prince"Where are all the feminists?" I abhor this question. People say "feminists" but we all k [...]

10 Powerful Facts About Hattie Canty – A Working-Class Warrior
Via social media, Attorney Ben Crump put me onto this amazing woman!Hattie Canty wasn’t born into power, money, or fame. She was a working-class Black woman who fought for justice, [...]

Surviving Abuse Daily: The Daddy and Husband Stitch
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Diluting the Boundaries of Women and Girls is Extremely Dangerous
We are living through a time where children, especially girls, are taught that boundaries are "hate". That's extremely dangerous.Why Get Angry About Women and Girls Fighting for Safe [...]

Have WE Discussed Child Predators Today? (video clip)
Can Ineffective Leadership Lead to Inadequate Safety for Girls? | WE Survive AbuseWE Can't Afford to R [...]

Conniving Distractions: What Was She Wearing?
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Anti-Child Grooming: The Fight to Protect Children #childsafety #protect…
We must speak and do more to both educate and stop people who stand as obstacles to child safety.  [...]
Child Centering vs Personal Interest Centering: Only One of These Keeps Kids Safe (video)
What happened to those girls in Loudon County was always preventable. Remember folks yellin [...]

The Truth About Child's Play and Child Sexual Abuse
Before I typed this, I stared at the blinking cursor for quite some time.A whole lot longer than it us [...]

Victim Erasure: The Failure to Center Victims in Assault Cases
The following video was featured on X.com yesterday. It's a sad video of a man locking him [...]

Surviving Abuse Daily: Just Protecting Our Sanity (news roundup)
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Surviving Abuse Daily: Abuse of Power, Privilege, and Friendship
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Unless He Says So
From X.comA woman or girl can say no to a man in her space. Unless he refuses to admit that he is [...]

Male Delusions Are Potentially Lethal
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The Faux Fight Against Child Sex Abuse
Last May was one of the happiest days of my entire life.My son graduated from high school. I sat there [...]
Boundaries Aren’t Just Personal—They’re Political
Boundaries are powerful. They protect us, define us, and give us the space to grow. But what happens [...]
Politicians Must Stop Dismissing Us: Women’s Safety is Non-Negotiable
Political leaders must prioritize protecting those rights that women need independently of men.
Abo [...]

Part 1: Good Talk: How Society Creates Obstacles to Healing
So at the age of 13, I walked into a counselor's office because I was told that I had to. [...]

Predators Be Like: “Don’t Tell Your Parents” (Faithful background)
Predators are not hard to figure out. If someone tells you not to tell your parents, they mean you no [...]

What's In a Name: A Survivor of Child Sexual Abuse names Her Rapist
Did I tell y’all about that time that they printed a speech I delivered in public in the paper? [...]

Women Taint Nobody's Business Who You Choose to Love (audio)
Women Tain't Nobody's Business Who You Choose To Love [...]
8 Common Characteristics of People Who Support and Enable Abusive People (Infographic)
Some people find truth-telling to be abhorrent and offensive. -TGJPLINKelink.io | See O [...]

A Spell Too Far: Protect Children or Leave Them Alone
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We have a problem. A huge, gaping self-esteem and self-love, problem. Increasingly we are se [...]

When Deception Increases Risk for Children
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RED FLAG: Judge Denies Woman’s Right to See Daughter’s Sex Education Content
A social media mutual @SonyaDouglas on Twitter, and it caught my attention. (Please follow [...]

Truth is Safer: Supporting Manipulation is Unsafe for Women and Children
If you are okay telling lies because people tell you to, how will people know when you are [...]

Surviving Abuse Daily: Hope in the News for Abuse Survivors
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Welcome the Week with Wisdom: Quotes on Stories & Writing to Nourish Survivors
📖“The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, [...]
Healthy Teen Dating Tip Sheet
CANVA LINK There has always been a lot of pressure on girls regarding dating. There are so [...]
Let Women and Girls Tell Their Own Stories (25 Journal Prompts)
LINKLet Women and Girls Tell Their Own Stories 25 Journal Prompts.pdf by Tonya GJ Prin [...]

Organizations Endorsing Sexualizing Children: World Health Organization
We no longer have time to be shocked, surprised, and astonished. Once reliable organization [...]

Inclusion Includes Boundaries and Safety
Sometimes a mutual on social media posts something that makes you clarify your position even mor [...]

US Congress Testimony: Girls To the Back
I was not surprised that Black women seemed to suggest that the needs of girls were less importa [...]

A Must Read: Bishop Eddie Long Is Not the Only One Who’s Dead
You may not be aware, but there is a resistance being waged by a certain segment of the Survivor commu [...]

Recognizing Truth is a Basic Life Skill (mini-post)
Parenting is one of the most rewarding and challenging journeys in life.And then, one day you ha [...]

FAQ About Trauma, Abuse, & Violence with Gary Jones LCSW (audio)
FAQ About Trauma, Abuse, and Violence With GaryJones LCSW [...]

The Four Pillars of Oppression: Misogyny, Gynophobia, Sexism, and Patriarchy
Women do not suffer oppression by accident. The systems that harm us—misogyny, gynophobia, sexism, and [...]

Men Can Stop Rape!
In earlier years of this blog, I did more work that included males as victims. I was excit [...]

Listen to Warnings from Girls
Gwinnett Man Murdered Wife In Front Of Teen SonOn November 16, 2015, Sheldon Sawyor shot his wife Vane [...]
Male Indecent Exposure: Ensuring the Safety of Young Girls
Male indecent exposure refers to the act of exposing one's genitals with an explicit intention t [...]

Braid the Ladder: Beautiful Non-Conforming Black Hair
By the way, unity does not come from everyone being the same. That is forced conformit [...]

What the Church and People of Faith Can Do to Help Victims of Sexual and Domestic Violence
Speak on It About 16 years ago I was sitting in service and Pastor Lance Watson was delivering [...]
To Catch Rapists You Have to Listen to Victims
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Women & Children Should Never Be Pressured to Lower Their Boundaries for Anyone—No Exceptions
Women and children are often told—explicitly and implicitly—that their boundaries don’t matter. That [...]

How Women Can Support Gay Men In Their Lives in Abusive Relationships
Abuse doesn’t care about gender or sexuality. It happens in all kinds of relationships—straight, gay, [...]
We must speak and do more to both educate and stop people who stand as obstacles to child safety. [...]
The Art of Domination: How Some Males Keep Winning at Power and Control
Mood Board Thy Name is Leena: Power and Control Wheels | WE Survive AbuseGaslighting and Red Flags: Black Women & Girls and Safety | W [...]

10 Days of Self-Compassion for Stress-Relief (ebook)
Copy of 10 days_Self-Compassion Journal Prompts.pdf by Tonya GJ PrinceUnhealthy Self-Esteem vs. Self-CompassionSurvivor Affirmat [...]

Gaslighting and Red Flags: Black Women & Girls and Safety
We will never get another you. Please keep yourself safe!-TGJP “Do not ever apologise for existing or for taking up space in the world.”— Chi [...]

My Daily Self Love Journal (printable)
My Self Love Journal (printable)
... [...]

20 Youtube Video Ideas for Introverts (Product)
20 Youtube Video Ideas for Introverts20 YouTube Video Ideas For Introverts eBookAre you an introvert struggling to start making videos on Yo [...]

Be Well: 25 Creative Outlets for Your Wellbeing (FREE flipbook)
20 Youtube Video Ideas for Introverts (Product) | WE Survive Abuse7 Days of Journal Prompts and Affirmations (FREE download) | WE Survive [...]
How Vision Boards Help Survivors Reclaim Their Future
For Survivors of trauma, the journey to healing isn’t just about moving on—it’s about reclaiming, redefining, and rebuilding. One powerf [...]
The Healing Space: A Guidebook for Women Rising in Their Power After Abuse
LINK"The Healing Space You Deserve: A Guidebook for Women Rising in Their Power After Abuse"***Includes BONUS 45 Page PTSD Journal and Workb [...]

Stay Safe in Uncertain Times: The Top 10 Benefits of a Crisis Safety Plan You Can’t Afford to Ignore (FREE Plan Download)
Safety Plan Crisis WorksheetsWriting down and reflecting on a crisis safety plan can have several benefits1. Clarity and organization: Writi [...]

BELOVED, BE LOVED: Improve Your Self-Esteem in One Weekend (quick start guide)

15 I Am Fearless Affirmations Set
Unleash the power of positivity and self-empowerment with our editable PowerPoint on 15 Fearless Affirmations. This dynamic presentation is d [...]

Yoga Off the Mat Printable Ebook Journal
Affordable self-care:56-page yoga journal.BONUS DOWNLOAD REPORT: Cultivating a Positive OutlookYoga Off the Mat Printable Ebook Journal [...]

Internet Marketing for Stay-At-Home Moms
Internet Marketing for Stay-At-Home Moms There are many stay at homes moms that dream of making extra money from home while they are taking c [...]
Your Ultimate Youtube Content Creator Success Bundle
Perhaps this weekend, as you ponder how you will spend your next few months, you may want to gather information about Youtube video creation.  [...]
I watched "Cosby: The Women Speak." Actually, I recorded it. This way, if I was triggered, I could watch it another time. But I w [...]
When people build entire campaigns against you, they recognize your power even if YOU do not.
Black womanhood has never been up for debate. It has ne [...]
Challenges Teach Me Valuable LessonsWhen I encounter challenging situations, I avoid running away from them. Being able to face obstacles gives me a c [...]
When faced with stalking, harassment, or any form of abuse, having a safety plan is a vital step toward reclaiming control and ensuring your well-be [...]
I realize that in our society, it is almost fashionable to come down on someone in need. Unfortunately, this keeps millions upon millions o [...]
Re: Rape, sexual violence, molestation, and child sexual abuseI can very easily recall my last suicide attempt.It was years ago, but my mind alwa [...]
When people ask why I embrace Womanism, I say this: It tells the whole truth. It acknowledges what many of us already know in our bones—our survival [...]
An excerpt from: My True Story Journal: 65 Journal Prompts to Arouse Self-Loveby Tonya GJ Prince Chapter Excerpt........In Your BeginningSo [...]